A Collection of Children’s Dances

(Kodomo odori zukushi子供踊尽)

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi

c. 1841-1842


This series shows children in the guise of kabuki actors.  It is not listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).  The prints are each about 14 by 10 inches (36 by 25 centimeters), a size known as ôban. I am grateful to Robert Pryor for his contributions to this series.




Title: Omi no Okane (近み乃おか祢)

Role: O-Kane the strong woman of Ômi province

Description: Girl controlling a horse by standing on its rope


A simplified state of the above design without a publisher’s seal


Title: Hama Matsukaze (はま松風)

Role: Children as the courtier Ariwara no Yukihira, and the brine scooper Matsukaze holding his cap and cloak









Title: Flower cart (Hanaguruma, 花車)


Description: Child with flower cart


Title: Festival (おまつり)


Description: Boy standing next to a giant basket of chrysanthemums and irises on a cart





Title: Fuji Musume

Role: The Wisteria Maiden (Fuji Musume, ふじ娘) and the spear bearer Yarimochi Yakko

Description: Children reenacting a scene from the play Fuji Musume (The Wisteria Maiden)


I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for this image and to Horst Graebner for the translation. 


A simplified state of the above design without a publisher’s seal


Another state with neither text nor a publisher’s seal




Description: Children reenacting a scene from the play Kikuju no kusazuri (Chrysanthemum Armor-pulling, 菊寿の草摺)


NOTE: This print has no publisher’s seal.  I am grateful to Horst Graebner for this image. 


Robinson” refers to listing of the series in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).