A Collection of Children’s Dances

(Kodomo odori zukushi, 子供踊尽)

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Jûzô

c. 1841-1842


These prints show children in the guise of kabuki actors, and all bear the title Kodomo odori zukushi (子供踊尽).  These prints are not listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).  The prints are each about 14 by 10 inches (36 by 25 centimeters), a size known as ôban.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for his contributions to this series.


Title: The Shinobu Hare’s Foot Fern Seller Ohana

Description: Child as an actor with a basket of ferns



Title: Konobei (此兵衛)

Description: Child as Konobei




Title: Miyakodori no Oshizu (都鳥のおしづ)

Description: Child as Miyakodori no Oshizu standing in front of a stage prop




Title: Matsukaze (松風)

Description: Child dancing with fan


“Robinson” refers to listing of the series in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).