A Collection of Jôruri Plays
(Jôruri zukushi, 浄瑠理尽)
c. 1834-1835
A jôruri play is a
dramatic performance chanted to the accompaniment of the samisen. The images below are Kuniyoshi’s original drawings
for a series that was never published as woodblock prints. The drawings are each about 10 by 14 inches
(25 by 36 centimeters), a size known as ôban. |
Title: The Shared Grave at Meguro (Meguro hiyoku-zuka, 比翼塚) Description: |
Title: Vendetta of a Samurai in Rags Description: |
Title: Heike Nyogo-ga-shima (平家女護嶋) Description: The priest Shunkan in exile watches a departing ship |
Title: Hana no Ueno Homare no Ishibumi (花上野誉石碑) Description: Otsuji and Bôtarô in the play Hana no Ueno Homare no Ishibumi |
Title: Genpei Nunobiki no Taki (源平布引滝) Description: Woman swimming with the banner of the Genji in her mouth toward the boat of Taira no Munemori at Nunobiki Falls |
Title: The Thousand Cherry Trees of Yoshitsune (Yoshitsune Senbon-zakura, 義経千本桜) Description: |