Actor triptychs

1850, Part II


Actors: Left sheet: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Chobei nyobo Otoki (長兵衛女房おとき), Ichikawa Akanbei as Chobei isshi Chomatsu (長兵衛一子長松), Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡隨長兵衛), and Bandô Takesaburô I as Gokuraku Jûzô (極楽十三)

Right sheet:  Ichikawa Dannosuke V as 小むらさ, Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八), and as Teranishi Kanshin (寺西閑心)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Mera and Murata with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Uhei

Actors: Left sheet: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Chobei nyobo Otoki (女房お時) and Ichikawa Kuzô II as 若堂八内

Right sheet: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡隨長兵衛)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Hama and Magome)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Enshû-ya Hikobei

Actors: Left sheet: Bandô Takesaburô I as Gokuraku Jûzô (極楽十三) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡隨長兵衛)

Right sheet: Bandô Hikosaburô IV as Teranishi Kanshin (寺西閑), unidentified child actor as下部土手平, and Ichikawa Akanbei as Chobei isshi Chomatsu (大次郎 長兵へ一子長松)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Tama-ya Sôsuke

Actors: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Chobei nyobo Otoki (女房お時, left), Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡隨長兵衛, center), and Bandô Hikosaburô IV as Teranishi Kanshin (寺西閑)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi


I am grateful to Marc Devriese for this image

Actors: Left sheet: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡隨長兵衛)

Right sheet: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (平井権八)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Mera and Murata with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei

Another state of the above design

Actors: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八, left) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (幡随長兵衛, right)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Uhei

Actors: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (left) and Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei

Actors: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei (standing) and Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八)

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Hama and Magome)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Actors: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Banzui Chobei 

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke


NOTE: Two states of the print are shown.  The actor bears a remarkable resemblance to Matsumoto Kôshirô V, who died in 1838.  Ichikawa Ebizô V and Matsumoto Kôshirô V are the actors most famously associated with the role of Banzui Chobei.  Matsumoto Kôshirô V’s son, Kôshirô VI (later Matsumoto Kinshô I), bore a strong resemblance to his father and died late 1849, so this print may also have been intended to honor him.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for these images. 

Actors: Sawamura Sojûrô V as Okita Jûzaburô (四真田十三郎, left), Onoe Baiko IV as Miura no Takao (三浦の高尾, center), and Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Kinukawaya Yoemon (猟師与右エ門, right)

Play: Koshoku Shimada monogatari (好色島田語)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke

Actors: Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Yoemon (与右エ門)

Play: Koshoku Shimada monogatari (好色島田語)

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Yahata-ya Sakujirô

Actors: Left sheet: Sawamura Chôjûrô V as Shimada Jûzaburô (四志田十三郎), Arashi Kichisaburô III as Kuzuno Uraminosuke (葛野恨之助), Ôtani Tomoemon IV as Tsuchiko Deisuke (土子泥之助), Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Izutsu Menosuke (井筒女之助), Arashi Koroku V as Izumoya no Okuni (いづもやのおくに), and Onoe Baikô IV as Miura no Takao (三浦の高尾)

Right sheet: Fujikawa Kayû III as Miura no Usugumo (三浦の薄雲), Nakamura Shijaku I as Yamanaka Shikanosuke (山中鹿之助), Sawamura Chôjûrô V as Mottomo Dôrinosuke (尤道理之助), Ôtani Tomomatsu I as Chayamawari Manzô (茶屋まわり万吉), Seki Sanjûrô III as Kurotsuka Murinosuke (黒塚笹理之助), and Shinagawa Ôkaminosuke (品川狼之助)

Play: Koshoku Shimada monogatari (好色島田語)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Ichimura


Actors: Sawamura Chôjûrô V as Moku no Kashira Michikaze (杢之頭道風, left) and Seki Sanjûrô III as Dokko no Daroku (独鈷の駄六, right)

Play: Ono no Tôfû aoyagi suzuri (The Inkstone and Green Willow Tree, 小野道風青柳硯)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Ebi-ya Rinnosuke

Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Agemaki Sokeroku (総角助六, left), Bandô Shuka I as Muraya Agemaki (三浦屋揚巻, center), and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Hige Ikyû (髭ノ伊久, right)

Play: Sukeroku kuruwa no hanamidoki (助六廓の花見時) 

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi

Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Hanakawado Sukeroku (花川戸助六, standing left) and Bandô Shuka I as Miuraya Agemaki (三浦屋揚巻, with straw hat)

Play: Sukeroku kuruwa no hanamidoki (助六廓の花見時) 

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Isetsuru

Actors: Left sheet: Ichikawa Komazô VII as Shinbei, actually Zenjibô (新兵衛 実は善司坊), Bandô Shuka I as the courtesan Agemaki (あげまき, with dragon patter obi), and Kunigorô as Yaritematsu (やりてまつ)

Center sheet: Ishikawa Shinsha I as Shiratama (白玉), Onoe Shinshichi III as Fukuyama Inosuke (福山伊の助), and Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Hanakawado Sukeroku (花川戸助六), performing an acrobatic feat in stealing a pipe from an old man

Right sheet: Nakayama Ichizô I as Kanpera Monbei (かんへら門兵衛), Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Ikyû, actually Kaga Heinaizaemon (伊久 実は伊賀平内左衛門), and Ichikawa Hirogorô I as Senpei (朝がほ仙平)

Play: Sukeroku kuruwa no hanamidoki (助六廓の花見時) 

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Muramatsu and Fuku)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei

Kuniyoshi - (slats)L- Bandô Shuka I as Agemaki;C- Ishikawa Shinsha I as Shiratama, Onoe Shinshichi III, Danjûrô VIII as Sukeroku;R- Nakayama Ichizô I, Ichikawa Kodanji IV, (3)1850 (Alt

One sheet from another state of the above triptych.  Note the design on the tablecloth. 

Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Hanakawado Sukeroku (花川戸助六, left), Ichikawa Hirogorô I as Senpei (仙平, on ground), and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Hige no Ikyu (髭ノ伊久, right)

Play: Sukeroku kuruwa no hanamidoki (助六廓の花見時) 

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke

Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Agemaki no Sokeroku (揚巻の助六, left), Bandô Shuka I as Miuraya Agemaki (三浦屋揚巻, center), and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Hige Ikyû (髭ノ伊久, right)

Play: Sukeroku kuruwa no hanamidoki (助六廓の花見時) 

Date: 3rd month of 1850 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Ebi-ya Rinnosuke

Sheet from another state of the above design with purple and Bandô Shuka’s name (坂東しうか)

Actor: Bandô Shûka I as Kuzunoha kitsune (くづの葉 ) writing a farewell poem on a shôji (sliding panel) holding an unidentified actor as her only child (isshi dôji, 一子童子) (right) and Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Abe no Yasuna (left)

Play: Ashiya dauman ochi kagami (芦屋道満大内鑑)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Kinugasa and Watanabe with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Another state of the above design

Actors: Bandô Shûka I in female role emptying a bowl of liquid from a window into a moat

Play: Ashiya dauman ochi kagami (芦屋道満大内鑑)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Hama and Magome with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke


NOTE: This sheet may be the upper half of a vertical diptych.  I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for this image.

Actors: Left sheet: Seki Sanjûrô III as 矢門十太郎 and Onoe Baiko IV as Numasawa Samon (沼沢左門)

Right sheet: Sawamura Chôjûrô V as 高川理左衛門 and Fujikawa Kaju III as 十太郎女房おりへ

Play: Chûshingura gojusan tsugi (忠臣蔵五十三紀)

Date: 5th month of 1850

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Tama-ya Sôsuke

Actors: Sawamura Sôjûrô V as Kitahachi, a pilgrim to the Kinpira shrine (Kinpira-mairi Kitahachi, 金ぴら参り喜多八)

Play: Chûshingura gojusan tsugi (忠臣蔵五十三紀)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Kinugasa and Watanabe with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi 

Actors: Left sheet: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Watonai (和藤内)

Center sheet: Bandô Shuka I as Kinshojo (錦祥女) 

Right sheet: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Gojôgun Kanki (五常軍甘輝) and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Watonai’s mother (和藤内母) 

Play: Kokusenya kassen (国性爺合戦, The Battles of Coxinga)

Date: 5th month of 1850

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Ebi-ya Rinnosuke

Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Watonai  

Play: Kokusenya kassen (国性爺合戦, The Battles of Coxinga)

Date: 5th month of 1850

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Tsujioka-ya Bunsuke

Actors: Left sheet: Bandô Shuka I as Kinshojo (錦少女) and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Watonai’s mother (和藤内母)

Center sheet: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Nobuhira shu Kokusenya (延平王国性爺)

Right sheet: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Gojogun Kanki (五常軍甘輝)

Play: Kokusenya kassen (国性爺合戦, The Battles of Coxinga)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Hama and Magome with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei

Actors: Nakamura Utaemon IV as Danshichi Kurobei (団七九郎兵衛, left) threatening Onoe Tamizô II as Giheiji (義平次, right)

Play: Natsu matsuri (夏祭浪花鑑)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Hama and Magome with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Naka (in Osaka)

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi

Actors: Ichikawa Kodanji IV as the monkey trainer (sarumawashi) Yojirô

Play: Sarumawashi kadode no Hitofushi (猿廻門途の一諷)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Mera and Watanabe)

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: No seal

Actors: Ichikawa Kodanji IV as the monkey trainer (sarumawashi, さるまわし), Bandô Shuka I as the tea picker (chatsumi, 茶摘み), and Bandô Kachô as the geisha Oshiyun (inset)

Play: Sarumawashi kadode no Hitofushi (猿廻門途の一諷)

Date: 5th month of 1850

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Actors: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Watashimori Tonbei and Iwai Kumesaburô III as Ofune

Play: Shinrei Yaguchi no Watashi (神霊矢口渡, The Yaguchi Ferry and the Magic Arrows)

Date: 5th month of 1850

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi

Actors: Left sheet: Bandô Hikosaburô IV as Gantetsu (願てつ) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Sano Jirozaemon (佐野次郎左エ門)

Right sheet: Ichikawa Kuzô II as Omamori Denbe (お守り伝兵衛), Onoe Kikujirô II as Dote no Oroku (土手のお六), and Iwai Kumesaburô III as Manjiya Yatsuhashi (八ツはし)

Play: Yukari no hana iro mo Yoshiwara (紫花色吉原)

Date: 5th month of 1850 (censors Kinugasa and Watanabe with shita-uri seal)

Theater: Kawarazaki

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi


I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for information about this triptych.