Comic and miscellaneous individual prints

Part I


These prints are not part of series or polyptychs.  Unless otherwise noted, they are each about 14 by 10 inches or 36 by 25 centimeters, a size known as ôban.




Title: Utsushi-e, Japanese Phantasmagoria in Full Color by Toraku (Goku-zaishiki utsushi-e, Toraku)

Date: c. 1827-1830



NOTE: An utsushi (写し絵) is a traditional Japanese magic lantern show

Kasane no Boukon, ca


Title: Ghost of Kasane (Kasane no boukon, かさねのぼうこん)

Date: 1847-1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei


NOTE: The ghost’s face is made up of body parts and tools.

Kuniyoshi - (oban) Drunken Otafuku (Sakazuki o uketa otafuku), 1847, pub Horimasa, get text


Title: Drunken Otafuku (Sakazuki o uketa Otafuku, 盃を受けたお多福)

Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)

Publisher: Horimasa


NOTE: Otafuku is a homely, cheery faced legendary figure who is associated with happiness.




I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design.



Title: Ofuku Fukuemon Ukeni-hairu Takarayama Mitsuru (おふく福右衛門 有卦入宝山満)

Date: 2nd month of 1849 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)

Publisher: Hayashi-ya Shôgorô


I am grateful to Yasuhiro Endo for this image.



Kuniyoshi - Humorous Portrayal of 6 Immortal Poets (Giga rokkasen], 1858(8), pub Koga-ya Katsugorô, get description


Title: Humorous Portrayal of the Six Immortal Poets (Giga rokkasen)

Description: The six immortal poets—Ariwara no Narihira, Sôjô Henjô, Kisen Hôshi, Ôtomo no Kuronushi, Bunya no Yasuhide and Ono no Komachi—watching a puppet play

Date: Eighth month of 1858

Publisher: Koga-ya Katsugorô


Title: Urashima’s Mask Box at the Crossing (Tsuji urashima ataru menbako)

Description: Masks resembling the following actors emerging from the Urashima’s box:


1. Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII
2. Nakamura Utaemon IV
3. Bandô Mitsugorô IV
4. Sawamura Sôjûrô V
5. Onoe Kikugorô III
6. Bandô Hikosaburô IV
7. Ôtani Tomoemon III
8. Matsumoto Kôshirô VI
9. Ichimura Uzaemon XII
10. Ichikawa Kuzô II
11. Onoe Tamizô II
12. Seki Sanjûrô III

Date: 1847-1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Publisher: Tsu (phonetic reading of  )

Kuniyoshi - (Dôke ken nan de mo kan de mo) oban, conversation between a tiger, a toad and a fox


Title: Dôke ken nan de mo kan de mo

Description: Conversation among a tiger, a toad and a fox from a parody of “Anything Goes”

Date: 3rd month of 1847

Publisher: Ebi-iya Rinnosuke


This is another state of the above print.

Kuniyoshi - (shinsaku tsukutsuku ken), oban, 1847(9), pub


Title: Shinsaku tsukutsuku ken

Description: Ushiwaka Maru and the tengu

Date: 9th month of 1847

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbe



Title: Ataru ken kurabe

Description: Three male dancers

Date: 3rd month of 1847

Publisher: Nomura-ya Tokubei


I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this image


Title: The Cat’s Mysterious Technique (Neko no myôjutsu, 猫之妙術)

Date: 1847-1850 (censors Mera and Murata)

Publisher: Tama-ya Sôsuke



Title: Explanation of the Old Cat’s Mysterious Technique (Ko neko myôjutsu-setsu, 古猫妙術説)

Date: c. 1847-1850

Publisher: Tama-ya Sôsuke




Title: Celebration to Honor the 85-year-old Man Who was the First to Cross the New Ryôgoku Bridge in the Eastern Capital (Tôto Ryôgoku bashi hachijûgosai no okina watarisome iwaien no zu, 東都両国橋八十五歳之翁渡初祝宴図)

Date: 12th month of 1855

Publisher: Yamaguchi-ya Tôbei


NOTE: The kanji on the scroll is kotobuki (寿), meaning longevity.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for information about this print. 



Title: In the Year of the Earth Horse, on the 8th Day of the 5th Month, People Born in Earth and Water Signs Enter a Lucky Cycle (Tsuchinoe uma no toshi gogatsu yôka dosuisei no hito uke ni iru, 戊午歳五月八日 土水性の人うけに入)

Date: 4th month of 1858

Publisher: Ki-ya Sôjirô



I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design with a red border on top and lacking Kuniyoshi’s kiri seal.



The first edition of this design (above) bears an oval date seal for the 4th month of 1858.  The image to the left is from a later printing with a censor’s seal for the 7th month of 1861.  The red cartouche reads year of the rooster (酉年八月五日) on this 1861 printing.




Title: Entering the Lucky Period, the 8th Day of the 5th Month of the Year of the Horse (午五月八日うけに入人のとし 水性土性)

Description: Mount Fuji, Fukurokuju with his large head, the Wisteria Maid, an owl, Fukusuke, a sparrow, and Fukujo

Date: 2nd month of 1858

Publisher: Yamaguchi-ya Tôbei


NOTE: This print is an uke-e, a print depicting auspicious subjects.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for information about this print. 


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this simplified state of the above design.

Title: Fashionable Cats Performing Mime (Ryûkô neko no omoire, 流行猫のおもり入)

Description: Heads of cats framed by cat collars with bells

Date: c. 1841-1842

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Uhei


NOTE: The cats, with their kimono, are identifiable caricatures of these kabuki actors:

Sawamura Tosshô

Ichikawa Ebizô V

Iwai Shijaku

Arashi Isaburô II

Onoe Eizaburô III

Ichikawa Kuzô II

Bandô Shûka I

Onoe Tamizô


Nakamura Utaemon IV


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Kuniyoshi - Paper Dolls' Dande Hoping for Fine Weather


Title: Paper Dolls’ Dance Hoping for Fine Weather (Teru teru bôzu ohiyori odori, てるてる坊主おひよりおどり)

Description: Dancing paper dolls

Date: 1849 (censors Yoshimura and Kinugasa)



Note: Teru teru bôzu are paper dolls hung outside to wish for good weather.  Inscriptions on the dolls include てる (teru shine) and てり teri sunny).  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for information about this print.



Title: Mitate of the 12 Zodiac Signs (見立十二支)

Description: Man with dog, having the 12 zodiac signs hidden in the text and picture

Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Kyô (phonetic reading of )


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for the image.





Title: New Edition Falconry Sugoroku (Shinban takano sugoroku, 新板鷹野雙六)

Description: A seated falconer with Mt. Fuji in background

Size: 47 x 36 cm

Date: c. 1820s



NOTE: This image is on the packaging of a sugoroku board by Sadatora.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for the image.


Title: Journey to Kamakura, Enoshima, and Ôyama Sugoroku, Selected by Ryûtei Tanehiko, Illustrated by the Former Hokusai (鎌倉 江ノ嶋 大山 新板往来雙六, 柳亭種彦撰, 前北齋為一圖)


Size: 26 x 21 cm

Date: c. early 1830s



NOTE: This image is on the packaging of a sugoroku board by Hokusai.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for the image.


Title: Ryukatei Tanekazu, Eight Dog Heroes Sugoroku (Ryukatei Tanekazu, Hakkenden Eiyu Sugoroku; 柳下亭種員, 八犬傳英勇雙六)


Size: Chûban

Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)



NOTE: This image is on the packaging of a sugoroku board.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for the image.


Title: The Filthy Rich (Mochi maru chôja, 持○長者)

Description: Wealthy merchants defecating gold coins, while the home of an ordinary family is being destroyed by the 1855 Edo earthquake

Date: 1855

Publisher: No seal


NOTE: Since prints depicting recent events were banned at the time, this print has no publisher’s seal, censor’s seal or artist’s signature. 


