Miscellaneous Fan Prints of Women

Part III


Title: 32 Modern Appearances (Tosei san-ju-ni no uchi, 當盛三十二相の内)

Description: Five beauties reflected in mirrors

Date: 1840

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei

Title: Cherry Trees of the Yoshiwara at Evening (Yoshiwara no yozakura, 吉原之夜ざくら)

Description: Courtesans viewing spring cherry blossoms

Date: c. 1845

Publisher: Izuzen

Series: Untitled series of women’s tasks

Robinson: Not listed

Description: Beauty serving boiled rice with tea (ochazuke)

Date: c. 1840-1844

Publisher: No seal


NOTE: The signature reads Chô-ô-rô Kuniyoshi ga (朝櫻楼 国芳 ) and is in an elongated gourd-shaped Toshidama seal cartouche ().  The Toshidama seal was used by members of the Utagawa School of printmakers.  About 1844, Kuniyoshi’s competitor, Kunisada, declared himself head of the Utagawa School.  Thereafter, Kuniyoshi severed his connection with the school and ceased using its seal.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Series: Untitled series of women’s tasks

Robinson: Not listed

Description: Beauty washing clothes

Date: c. 1840-1844

Publisher: No seal

Series: Untitled series of women’s tasks

Robinson: Not listed

Description: Beauty preparing an eel

Date: c. 1840-1844

Publisher: No seal

Series: A Set of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Setsugekka no uchi, 雪月花之内)

Title: Snow (Setsu or Yuki, )

Robinson: Not listed

Description: Woman holding a snow rabbit (yuki usagi, 雪うさぎ) on a tray


Publisher: No seal


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Series: Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon (Kacho fugetsu, 花鳥風月)

Title: Viewing the Moon from a Boat (Fune de miru tsuki, ふねで見る月)

Robinson: Not listed

Description: Beauty on a boat under a full moon

Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Masugindô

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design.

Series: Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon (Kacho fugetsu, 花鳥風月)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Wind (Kaze, )

Description: Beauty on a boat enjoying the evening cool on the river


Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei

Series: A Set of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Setsugekka no uchi, 雪月花之内)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Moon (Tsuki, )

Description: Woman with moon and stone lantern




I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.


Robinson: Not listed


Description: Geisha and view of Mt. Fuji

Date: 1843-1845


Series: It’s an Auspicious Day to… (最上吉日つくし)

Robinson: Not listed


Description: Woman selling decorative bowls

Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon)

Publisher: Enshûya Matabei

Series: It’s an Auspicious Day to… (最上吉日つくし)

Robinson: Not listed


Description: Woman gathering yarn on her arms

Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon)

Publisher: Enshûya Matabei

Series: It’s an Auspicious Day to… (最上吉日つくし)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Tailored good (Shitate mono yoshi, 仕立ものよし)

Description: Woman winding thread

Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon)

Publisher: Enshûya Matabei


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Title: Jewel of the Seashore (渚乃珠, Nagisa no tama)

Description: Woman mending a fish net

Date: c. 1836

Publisher: no seal

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this aizuri-e version of the above design lacking a title. 

Series: Matching of Treasures with Charming Women (Enjo takara awase)

Robinson: Not listed


Description: Young woman of Mino making a theatrical wig

Date: 1843-1845

Publisher: no seal

Series: Matching of Treasures with Charming Women (Enjo takara awase)

Robinson: Not listed


Description: Beauty sewing a pouch

Date: 1843-1845

Publisher: no seal


Robinson: Not listed

Title: Vesper haze



Publisher: Ise-ya Ichiemon

Series: Analogies of the Seven Lucky Gods (Mitate Shichifukujin, 見立七婦子仁)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Hotei (ほてい)


Date: c. 1842

Publisher: Suruga-ya Sakujirô


I am grategul to Robert Pryor for this image. 

Series: Analogies of the Seven Lucky Gods (Mitate Shichifukujin, 見立七婦子仁)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Ebisu (ゑびす)

Description: Woman showing goldfish to small child

Date: c. 1842

Publisher: No seal


I am grategul to Robert Pryor for this image. 

Series: Gods of Good Fortune in Modern Style (Imayo shichifukujin, 今様七福神)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Ebisu (ゑびす)

Description: Woman with goldfish

Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei


I am grategul to Robert Pryor for this image. 

Series: A Modern Seven Gods of Good Fortune (Imayô shichifukujin, 今様七福神)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Hotei (ほてい)


Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei 

Series: Comparison of Five Modern Colors (Imayô goshiki awase, 今様五しき合)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Red (seki, )

Description: Woman eating with chopsticks

Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu)

Publisher: no seal

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design.

Series: Contemporary Ships of Various Kinds

Robinson: Not listed

Title: Insect cage


Date: 1st month of 1853

Publisher: Ômiya Yohei

Series: Contemporary Ships of Various Kinds

Robinson: Not listed



Date: 1st month of 1853

Publisher: Ômiya Yohei

Series: Six Flowers in Full Bloom (Roku hanazakari, 六花盛)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: None

Description: Woman with irises holding a toy cat

Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Iba-ya Senzaburô


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this later reprint of the above design.

Series: A Set of Beauties (Bijinzoroi, 美人揃)

Robinson: Not listed

Title: The Tori no ichi festival (Tori no machi no kashi yûdama, 酉の町乃かしゆう玉)

Description: Two women with the Tori no ichi festival in the background

Date: 2nd month of 1854



NOTE: The Tori no ichi festival is held every November in the Tori no machi area of Asakusa and at various other shrines across Japan.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image and information.


“Robinson” refers to listing of the series in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).