Individual Warrior Prints

1830 - 1833


These prints are listed in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement as S1b.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for his contributions to this section.


Kuniyoshi - (S 1b


Scene: Musashi- Benkei (武蔵坊 弁慶) fully armored by moonlight with flying bats

Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiemon

Date: c. 1832

Robinson: S1b.1



A simplified state of the above design


A further simplified state with a blue upper border


Scene: Minamoto Yoshitsune ( 義經) seated on a stool in full armor beneath a blossoming plum tree

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei

Date: c. 1833

Robinson: S1b.2




Scene: Watanabe Tsuna (渡邉綱) standing with Ibaraki-dôji’s severed arm in his left hand and a drawn sword in his right hand, against a background of surging black clouds

Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiemon

Date: c. 1832

Robinson: S1b.3


I am grateful to Vladislav Shevyrev for this image.



Another state in which the green garment is unpatterned



Scene: Satô Shirô Tadanobu (佐藤四郎忠信) brandishing a go board in his last defense with a plain background.  Tadanobu’s kimono displays his family crest

Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiemon

Date: c. 1832

Robinson: S1b.4




Another state of the above design with different patterns in the clothing

Kuniyoshi - (S 1b


Scene: Sakata Kintoki (坂田金時) wrestling with a three-eyed mikoshi-nyûdô 

Publisher: No seal

Date: c. 1832

Robinson: S1b.5


NOTE: Mikoshi-nyûdô (見越し入道 or 見越入道) are bald-headed male goblins that can elongate their necks.  Robinson (in the supplement) calls the goblin a rokurokubi (ろくろ首 or 轆轤首), which are usually female. 



Another state without red in Kintoki’s skin or kimono decorations


Title: Sakata Kintarô (坂田金太郎)

Scene: Kintarô as Yoshitoshi throwing beans at a small demon

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei (泉市)

Date: c. 1832

Robinson: Not listed


Another state of the above design lacking a green ground


Another state with an uncolored bean container.  Another seal, believed to be a collector’s seal, was added above the round censor’s seal.



Title: Sakata Kintoki (坂田金時)

Scene: Kintoki chasing demons away with a broom


Date: c. 1832

Robinson: Not listed



Another state of the above design without any green


Title: Matano Gorô (俣野五郎, barely visible on rock)

Scene: Matano Gorô Kagehisa (俣野五郎景久) holding a huge rock

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Date: c. 1831-1832

Robinson: Not listed


Title: Sakata Kintoki (阪田金時)

Scene: Sakata Kintoki wrestling a mikoshi-nyudo

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi (seal Waka, )

Date: c. 1831-1832

Robinson: Not listed


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.


“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement.


