Memorial prints (shini-e)

Part II


Actor: Two states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Ise-ya Rihei

Actor: Two states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Text: 深川しやうせんじ 天保七年申四月八日 深窓院梅我日鮮信士 五代目岩井半四郎 四十一才

Two states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎) with smoking incense

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kaga-ya Kichiemon

Text: 岩井半四郎 行年四十一才 天保七申年四月八日 深川浄心寺 深窓院梅我日鮮信士

Shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎) with a straw hat.  The sheet on the right has extra text which might be handwritten.

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Text: 四月八日葬 行年四十一歳 深窓隠梅我日鮮信士 岩井半四郎

Two states of another shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Ezaki-ya Kichibei

Text: 岩井半四郎, 天保七申四月八日, 行年三十八才, 深川浄心寺


Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Text: 天保七申年四月八日 岩井半四郎 深窓院梅我日鮮信士 深川浄心寺



Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Yamaguchi-ya Tobei


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image with additional text above Iwai Hanshirô’s head.

Two states of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎) shini-e

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Text: 四月八日 行年四十一歳 深窓隠梅我日鮮信士 岩井半四郎


Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Three states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Tsuta-ya Kichizô

Text: 岩井半四郎, 深川浄心寺, 四月八日, 行年四十一歳, 深窓隠梅我日鮮信士

Three states of s shihi-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Tsuta-ya Kichizô

Text: 天保七申四月八日, 行年四十一才, 深川浄心寺 (This text only appears on the center and right panels.)


Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Uhei

A memorial portrait of the actor Iwai Hanshirô VI, 1836,  7350_1


Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiemon


Actor: Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Nishimura-ya Yohachi

Three states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Edo-ya Matsugorô

Two states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Text: 四月八日 行年四十一歳 深窓隠梅我日鮮信士 岩井半四郎

Two states of Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井半四郎) burning incense

Date: 1836

Publisher: Sôshû-ya Yohei


Actors: Iwai Shijaku I as nurse Shigenoi (お乳人重の井) and Iwai Kumesaburô III, at age 12, as Jinenjo no Sankichi (じねんじよの三吉)

Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi


NOTE: The text reads seven-year memorial of Iwai Hanshirô VI (Roku-daime Iwai Hanshirô shichikaiki tsuizen, 六代目岩井半四郎七回忌追善).  This print is both a memorial print and a depiction of the 1842 production of Koi nyobo Somewake tazuna. 


Actors: Bandô Mitsugorô III (坂東 三津五郎) and Iwai Hanshirô VI (岩井 半四郎) with an oni (demon)

Date: 1836

Publisher: Kaga-ya Kichiemon


NOTE: Bandô Mitsugorô III died in 1831 and Iwai Hanshirô VI died in 1836.  Oni, believed to be guardians of the gates of Hell, were occasionally represented on shini-e.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.


Actor: Seki Sanjûrô II ( 三十郎)

Date: 1839

Publisher: Sôshû-ya Yohei

Three states of a shini-e of Iwai Hanshirô V (1776-1846) as Hotoke-gozen (仏御前, inset), Iwai Hanshirô VI (1799-1836) as Giô (祇王, standing), and Iwai Hanshirô VII (1804-1845) as Gijo (祇女)

Date: 1847 (censors Muramatsu and Yoshimura)

Publisher:  Minato-ya Kohei


NOTE: The right panel is lacking a publisher’s seal.


Actor: Matsumoto Kôshirô VI

Date: 1849 (censors Mera and Murata)

Publisher: No seal

Text: 嘉永二己年酉霜月三日 行年三十八才


NOTE: The entire image is a single woodblock print imitating a hanging scroll on a wall

Actor: Onoe Kikugorô III

Date: 1849 (censors Mera and Murata)

Publisher: Shimizu-ya Naojirô (left sheet only)


NOTE: Two different states of this shini-e are shown.  They reprise Onoe Kikugorô’s role as the blind musician (zatô) Tokuichi, who is actually Tenjiku Tokubei, in the 1832 play Tenjiku Tokubê Ikoku Banashi.  The shini-e are titled Song of the Xylophone (Mokkin no uta, もつきんの歌).  The two prints have different faces:

shini-e on left

shini-e on right

Actors: Onoe Kikugorô III as the blind musician (zatô) Tokuichi, who is actually Tenjiku Tokubei (座頭徳市実ハ天竺徳兵衛)

Play: Tenjiku Tokubê Ikoku Banashi (天竺徳兵衛韓噺)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Date: 8th month of 1832

Additional text: The deceased Onoe Shôroku’s 17-year memorial (故人尾上松緑十七回忌追善ニ相勤申候)

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô


NOTE: Onoe Kikugorô III was the adopted son of Onoe Shôroku I (1744-1815).  I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.


