Miscellaneous fan prints of actors,

Part I


An uchiwa is a non-folding fan consisting of paper attached to a bamboo frame.  These prints, which were intended to be glued onto an uchiwa, are called uchiwa-e. 



Description: Actors Ichikawa Kinshô (市川錦升), Segawa Tamon II (瀬川多門), and Ichimura Kakitsu III (市村家橘) playing ken

Date: c. 1833

Publisher: No seal

Description: Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Fuwa Banzaemon (不破伴左衛門)

Play: Mukashigatari inazuma zoshi (昔語稲妻帖)

Date: 3rd month of 1848

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Sanpei of Yokkaichi 

Description: Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII

Date: c. 1840s

Publisher: Izuzen

Series: A Model of Coolness (Suzumisugata, 涼姿)

Description: Actor as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八) on the Sumida River

Date: 1843-1846 (censor Yoshimura Gentarô)

Publisher: Ise-ya Ichiemon

Series: A Model of Coolness (Suzumisugata, 涼姿)

Description: Actor as Banzui Chobei (幡随長兵衛) holding pipe with paper lantern and dragonfly

Date: 1843-1846 (censor Yoshimura Gentarô)

Publisher: Tsuji-ya Yasubei

Kuniyoshi - (fan) Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Matsuwakamaru

Description: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Matsuwakamaru (松若丸)

Play: Butai no Hana Yayoi no Irotoki (台比雪花隅色薗)

Date: 2nd month of 1847

Theater: Nakamura

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei

Description: Nakamura Utaemon IV as Hidari Jingorô (左甚五郎) carving a wooden statue

Play: Fukuju kaimu ryo denki (福聚海駒量伝記)

Date: 4th month of 1847 (censors Mera and Murata)

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei

Series: Characters of Gallant Men in Kabuki Dramas (達男風流姿)

Title: Shirai Gompachi (白井権八)


Date: c. 1850s

Publisher: Ise-ya Sôemon

Series: Characters of Gallant Men in Kabuki Dramas (達男風流姿)

Title: Teranishi Kanshin (寺西閑心)


Date: c. 1850s

Publisher: Ise-ya Sôemon

Series: Merchants in Summer Likened to the Five Elements (Natsu shônin mitate go-gyô, (夏商人見立五行)

Title: Metal ()

Description: Actor as a seller of goldfish

Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon)

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô


NOTE: The connection to metal is that the kanji is used for both the metal gold and goldfish.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image and information. 

Series: Merchants in Summer Likened to the Five Elements (Natsu shônin mitate go-gyô, (夏商人見立五行)

Title: Wood

Description: Actor as a seller of plants

Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon)

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image.

Series: Six Flowers in Full Bloom (Rokkasei hanazakari, 六花盛)

Description: Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII holding an open a sample book from the company Nataya Yoshibei, with peonies

Date: 1843-1846 (censor Hama Yahei)

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô

Series: Six Flowers in Full Bloom (Rokkasei hanazakari, 六花盛)

Description: Actor holding a closed fan

Date: c. 1843-1846

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô

Description: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Tachiba no Taheiji (太平次)

Play: Yume monogatari (夢物語)

Date: 8th month of 1848

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei

Description: Actor Sawamura Sôjûrô V (Sawamura Chôjûrô V) emerging from under the bedcovers in an allusion to his sexual prowess

Date: 1852-1853

Publisher: Arita-ya Seiemon

Description: Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV with a picture of Kwakkyo

Date: 1850-1851

Publisher: Ise-ya Sôemon


NOTE: Kwakkyo is one of the twenty-four Chinese paragons of filial piety.  Lamenting the fact that his aged mother was going hungry because food was being eaten by his infant son, Kwakkyo prepared to kill the baby.  While digging the grave, he discovered a pot of gold with an attached note (or inscription) that the treasure was meant for him.  The picture shows Kwakkyo and his wife discovering the pot of gold buried outside their home.

Series: Snow, Moon and Flowers (Setsugekkwa no uchi)

Title: Moon ()

Description: Actor Ichimura Uzaemon XII, with insets of a full moon and the poet Abe no Nakamaro (here written ‘Nakamaru’)

Date: c. 1834


Description: Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Tadanobu (忠信)

Date: 1832

Publisher: Hon-ya Genpachi

Description: Actor looking in mirror

Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Maru-ya Seijirô

Actor: Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Inuta Kobungo (犬田小文吾) in the snow

Play: Atari doshi Satomi no Yatsufusa (戌歳里見八熟梅)

Date: 4th month of 1834

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô

Series: A Modern Genji in Eight Views (Imayô Genji hakkei)

Title: Night Rain

Description: An actor (possibly Ichimura Uzaemon XIII) holding an ukiyo-e print of himself in the role of Hayano Kanpei, which is signed by Kuniyoshi

Date: 1846-1852

Publisher: Tsuji-ya Yasubei


Description: Iwai Kumesaburô III as Shirai Gonpachi (白井権八) with ruffian

Play: Kakitsubata Tamuke no Hanakawado (杜若手向花川戸)

Date: 3rd month of 1850

Theater: Kawarasaki



Description: Actor with cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji


Date: 1849-1852 (censors Hama and Magome)


Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei

Series: The Three Hunts of this Country (Tô kuni san tsu no kari, 当国三ツの狩)

Title: Catching Fireflies (Hotarugari, ほたるかり) 

Description: Actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII catching fireflies


Date: 1847-1848 (censors Hama and Kinugasa)


Publisher: Kojima-ya Jûbei


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image and information. 

Title: Sawamura Tosshô I as Okabe no Rokutaya (岡部の六弥太) and Iwai Shijaku I as Kiku no Mahe (female role)

Play: Ichinotani futaba gunki (一谷嫩軍記)

Date: 4th month of 1841

Theater: Kawarasaki

Publisher: Iba-ya Senzaburô

Title: Bandô Shûka I as the nun Seigen (清玄尼)

Play: Hatsu Sakura Onoe no Iwafuji (初桜尾上岩藤)

Date: 2nd month of 1847

Theater: Ichimura

Publisher: Iba-ya Kyûbei


