Miscellaneous harimaze, Part I




Series title: Thirty-six Comical Faces of Actors Off Stage (Dôke sanjûroku gesô, 道外三十六戯相)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Yamahide

Date: 4th month of 1847

Ichikawa Kuzô II

 Nakayama Genjûrô I

Sawamura Chôjûrô V

Nakayama Bungorô II 

Osagawa Tsuneyo IV

Onoe Kikujirô II 


Series title: Thirty-six Comical Faces of Actors Off Stage (Dôke sanjûroku gesô, 道外三十六戯相)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Yamahide

Date: 4th month of 1847

Nakamura Tsuruzô I

Ôtani Hiroemon V

Ichimura Uzaemon XII

Bandô Sajûrô I

Matsumoto Kinshô I

Bandô Shûka I



Series title: Thirty-six Comical Faces of Actors Off Stage (Dôke sanjûroku gesô, 道外三十六戯相)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Yamahide

Date: 4th month of 1847

Bandô Mitsugorô IV


Nakamura Utaemon IV

Ichikawa Hirogorô I

Nakamura Kanemon I

Onoe Baikô IV 





Series title: Curiously Named Odd Faces Denoting the Fifty-three Stations (Myôna isô kyôchû go--san tsura, 妙名異相胸中五十三面)

Robinson: 216

Publisher: Sugi-ya Seibei

Date: 1847-1848



Series title: Curiously Named Odd Faces Denoting the Fifty-three Stations (Myôna isô kyôchû go--san tsura, 妙名異相胸中五十三面)

Robinson: 216

Publisher: Sugi-ya Seibei

Date: 1847-1848



Series title: Curiously Named Odd Faces Denoting the Fifty-three Stations (Myôna isô kyôchû go--san tsura, 妙名異相胸中五十三面)

Robinson: 216

Publisher: Sugi-ya Seibei

Date: 1847-1848



Series title: Forty-eight… [unread]

Robinson: Not listed


Date: 1847-1850 (censors Mera and Murata)


Series title: Forty-eight… [unread]

Robinson: Not listed


Date: 1847-1850 (censors Mera and Murata)



Series title: None

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Sakai

Date: 1849

Ichikawa Kuzô as Teraoka Heiemon

Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Tanizô

Sawamura Chojûrô as Ôboshi Yuranosuke

Onoe Baiko as O-Karu


NOTE: Three of the images are from Kanadehon Chushingura in the 7th month of 1849, but Danjûrô VIII is from Date kurabe in the 3rd month of 1849.


Series title:

Robinson: Not listed




Bandô Hikosaburô IV as 木ぬ川与右衛門

Ichikawa Ebizô V as Kumagai Jiro Naozane (熊谷直実)

Matsumoto Kôshirô VI in an unidentified role

Onoe Kikujirô II as Kasane (与右衛門女房かさね)


Series: Historic Sites at Fifty-three Tôkaidô Stations in Groups of Three (Tôkaidô go--san tsui meisho koseki san shuku tsuzuki, 東海道五十三次名所古跡三宿續)

Robinson: Not listed

Top left: Ishiyakushi Station, actor Nakayama Ichizô as Akihito no Koseki

Top right: Shono Station, yakigome (parched rice) from Shono

Bottom: Yokkaichi Station, actor Ichikawa Ebizô V as Akabori Mizuemon

Publisher: Kakumoto-ya Kinjirô

Date: 9th month of 1852



Series: Historic Sites at Fifty-three Tôkaidô Stations in Groups of Three (Tôkaidô go--san tsui meisho koseki san shuku tsuzuki, 東海道五十三次名所古跡三宿續)

Robinson: Not listed

Top left: Actor Arashi Jitohachi III as Shuten-doji (signed Yoshiiku)

Top right: unidentified actor as Benkei (signed Torijo)

Bottom: Bandô Mitsugorô III as Taira no Sanemori (実盛)

Publisher: Kakumoto-ya Kinjirô

Date: 9th month of 1852



Series: Historic Sites at Fifty-three Tôkaidô Stations in Groups of Three (Tôkaidô go--san tsui meisho koseki san shuku tsuzuki, 東海道五十三次名所古跡三宿續)

Robinson: Not listed

Top left: Actors Ichikawa Hirogorô and Nakayama Bungorô in unidentified roles

Top right: An Ôtsu-e

Bottom: as Otomo no Kuronushi

Publisher: Kakumoto-ya Kinjirô

Date: 9th month of 1852

Kuniyoshi - A Mirror of Joruri (musical plays) (Harimaze joruri kagami), pub


Print title: Mirror of Drama in Cutouts (Harimaze jôruri kagami, 交張浄瑠璃鑑)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Mita-ya Kihachi

Date: 2nd month of 1854


NOTE: Hiroshige also contributed prints to this series.

Kuniyoshi - A Harimaze Mirror of Jôruri Plays (Harimaze Jôruri kagami, (2)1854


Print title: Mirror of Drama in Cutouts (Harimaze jôruri kagami, 交張浄瑠璃鑑)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Mita-ya Kihachi

Date: Second month of 1854


Kuniyoshi - (S95f


Print title: Mirror of Drama in Cutouts (Harimaze jôruri kagami, 交張浄瑠璃鑑)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Mita-ya Kihachi

Date: 3rd month of 1854


NOTE: The second frame from the right, in which a woman is looking down at a dog behind her, is titled “Meiboku Sendaihagi”, a well-known joruri, and probably depicts the nanny Masaoka. I am grateful to Yasu Takano for this information.




Another state of the above design

Kuniyoshi - (S95f


Title: None

Left:  Inudzuka Shino on Hôryûkaku roof looking down on Inukai Kempachi with geese flying below full moon by Kuniyoshi

Right top: Blowfish by Hiroshige

Right bottom: The Daoist sennin Joriken (Shôriken) crossing the sea on a sword by Kunisada (signed Hanabusa Itchô ga)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Ise-ya Kanekichi

Date: 9th month of 1858


Title: None

Left top: The oil thief by Kuniyoshi

Right top: A demon by Kunisada

Bottom: Mt. Fuji Seen Over the Lake in Hakone by Hiroshige

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Ise-ya Kanekichi

Date: 9th month of 1858

The woodblock-koban-sized in the lower left corner is a Kuniyoshi from a New  Years' print dated 1858 and published by Ise-ya Kanekichi


Format: Ôban harimaze print

Top: Prince Genji with a beautiful woman by Kunisada

Bottom left: A man carrying a beggar across a stream finds that the latter is the Buddha in disguise by Kuniyoshi

Bottom right: An old lady serving tea by Hiroshige

Publisher: Ise-ya Kanekichi

Date: 9th month of 1858

Robinson: Not listed


Image courtesy of David Hafer


Series title: A Collection of Comical Warriors (Dôke musha zukushi, 道化武者づくし or 道化武者尽し)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 1839-1842


For higher resolution images and additional information please see A Collection of Comical Warriors.


Another state of the above design with less text


Series title: A Collection of Comical Depictions of Plays (Dôke kyogen zukushi, 道外狂言づくし or 道外狂言尽し)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 1839-1842


For higher resolution images and additional information please see A Collection of Comical Depictions of Plays.

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 3rd month of 1841

Actors: Top left: Onoe Kikujirô II as nyôbô (wife) Okatsu (女房おかる)

Top right: Ichikawa Kuzô as Ukino Tohira (浮名戸平)

Bottom: Ichimura Uzaemon XII as Nagoya Kosanza (left, 名古屋小山三) and Nakamura Utaemon IV as Murasaki Daijin (right, Murasaki daijin jitsuha Monogusamura Tarôsaku, 紫大尽 実ハ物草村太郎作)

Play: Monogusa Tarô saku tekuda no yadake (物草太郎作手管歌当)

Robinson: Not listed

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 4th month of 1841

Actors: Top left: Iwai Tojaku I as Sagami

Top right: Sawamura Tosshô I as Kumagai Naozane (熊谷次郎直実

Bottom: Iwai Shijaku I as the courtesan Sugawara, actually Kiku no Mae (けいせい菅原 実ハ菊のまへ, left) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Ubara no Tagohei (莵原の田五平, right)

Play: Ichinotani futaba gunki (一谷嫩軍記)



“Robinson” indicates listing in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).