Three Highlights of Great Spinning Top Performances

(Sankyoku ukare no ôgoma, 三曲うかれの大独楽)

Publisher: Fujioka-ya Hikotarô

c. 1850


This series announces the name changes of two entertainers who are known for their performances with spinning tops.  It is not listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961).  The prints are each about 10 by 14 inches (25 by 36 centimeters), a size known as ôban.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for information about this series.



Text: The famous Takezawa Baishô, formerly Takezawa Tôji, performing multiple characters with quick-changes at Ryogoku Hirokoji along with Takezawa Tôji III, formerly Takezawa Manji (御なじみ竹澤藤治改め竹澤梅升 忰萬治改三代目竹澤藤治 早替り引ぬき 両国広小路ニて相勤申候)

Description: The new Takezawa Tôji (竹澤 藤次) as Raijin (Kaminari) with his thunder drums and grappling hook while Takezawa Baishô (竹沢梅升) bows to the audience


Text: The famous Takezawa Baisho, formerly Takezawa Tôji, performing at Ryogoku Hirokoji together with Takezawa Tôji III, formerly Takezawa Manji (御なじみ竹澤藤治改竹澤梅升, 両国広小路ニて相勤申候, 忰萬治改三代目竹澤藤治, 相勤申候)

Description: Takezawa Baishô as Tenjiku Tokubei, the new Takezawa Tôji as his alter-ego Zato Tokuichi and one of Tokubei’s magic toads in the background




Text: The famous Takezawa Baishô, formerly Takezawa Tôji, performing at Ryogoku Hirokoji together with Takezawa Tôji III, formerly Takezawa Manji (御なじみ竹澤藤治改め竹澤梅升, 忰萬治改三代目竹澤藤治, 両国広小路ニおいて相勤申候)

Description: Takezawa Baishô is shown greeting the audience for his name change with the new Takezawa Tôji as Benzaiten on a cloud with a koto





