Actor triptychs
Actors: Ichikawa
Danjûrô VIII as Yogorô (与五郎, left), Onoe
Tamizô II as Hanaregoma Chôkichi (放駒の長吉, center), and
Ichikawa Ebizô V as Nuregami
Chôgorô (right) Play: Futatsu chôchô kuruwa nikki (双蝶仝曲輪日記), the Sumôba scene Date: 1st
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image. |
Actor: Ichikawa Ebizô V as
Nuregami Chôgorô (濡髪長五郎) Play: Futatsu chôchô kuruwa nikki (双蝶仝曲輪日記) Date: 1st
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Yamaguchi-ya Tobei |
Actors: Onoe Tamizô II as 登勢太夫 子もり (left) and Onoe
Tamizô II as 八五郎 唐人 (right) Play: Kazariebi Soga kadomatsu (飾海老曽我門松) Date: 1st
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for this image. |
Actors: Onoe Eizaburô
Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Izumi-ya
Ichibei |
Actors: Onoe Eizaburô
Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: |
Actors: Iwai Shijaku
I as Ohatsu (おはつ, left) and
Ichikawa Ebizô V as Iwafuji (岩ふじ, right) Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Sôshû-ya
Yohei |
Actors: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Iwafuji (岩ふじ, left) and
Iwai Shijaku I as Ohatsu
(おはつ, right) Play:
Iwao no Hananami
no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date:
3rd month of 1842 Theater:
Kawarasaki Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for
locating this image. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Iwai Shijaku I as meshitsukai Ohatsu (尾上召仕おはつ) Right sheet: Ichikawa Kuzô II as Ushijima Chikara (牛嶋主税) and Arashi Kichisaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Wakasa-ya
Yoichi I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image. |
Actors: Iwai Shijaku I as Ohatsu Play: Iwao no Hananami
no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô |
Actors: Onoe Kikujirô II as
Shinobu (妹おのぶ, left), Onoe Eizaburô III as Miyagino (宮城野, center), and
Ichikawa Ebizô V as Daifukuya
Soroku (大福屋惣六, right) Play: Iwao no Hananami no
Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Arita-ya Seiemon I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for
this image. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Onoe Kikujirô II as Shinobu (おのぶ, woman),
Ichikawa Ebizô V as Uji no Joetsu (宇治常悦), and Ichikawa
Kuzô II as Kanai Tanigorô (金谷谷五郎) Center sheet: Arashi Kichisaburô Right sheet: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Marigase
Shûya (鞠ヶ瀬秋夜) and Onoe Eizaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 (kiwame censor’s seal) Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Yamamoto-ya
Heikichi I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this image. |
Actors: Ichikawa Kuzô
II as Kanai Tanigorô Play: Iwao no Hananami
no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô |
Actors: Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Marigase
Shûya (鞠ヶせ秋夜, left), Ichikawa Kuzô II as よしのや伊平次実ハ谷五郎 (center),
and Arashi Kichisaburô III as Shiga Daishichi (釼沢段七right) Play:
Iwao no Hananami
no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date:
3rd month of 1842 Theater:
Kawarasaki Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô I am grateful to Lucienne Parkan for
this image. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Ichikawa Ebizô V as Daifukuya Soroku (大黒屋惣六) Right sheet: Onoe Eizaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Sôshû-ya
Yohei |
Actors: Onoe Kikujirô
II as Shinobu (妹おのぶ, left) and
Onoe Eizaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiemon |
Actors: Arashi
Kichisaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Izumi-ya
Ichibei |
Actors: Left sheet:
Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII as Nita no Shirô (仁田の四郎), Onoe Kikujirô II as Kagekiyo’s
daughter Hitomaru (景清娘人丸), Arashi Isaburô II as Heizô Kajiwara (梶原平三), Ichikawa Saruzô as the soldier Undô (軍兵運藤), and Ichikawa
Danya as the soldier Gunto (軍兵 軍藤) Center sheet: Right sheet: Arashi Kishisaburô Play: Iwao no Hananami no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: |
Another state of the above design |
Actors: Left sheet: Ôtani Hiroemon V as Ebizô, Ichikawa Saruzô as Undô, Ichikawa Danya as Gunto, Onoe Kikujirô
II as Hitomaru and others Center sheet: Ichikawa Ebizô V as Kagekiyo Right sheet: Bandô Hikosaburô
IV as Chichibu Shigetada (秩父次郎重忠), Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Iwanaga Saemon Sôren (岩永 左衛門 宗連), Onoe Kikujirô II as Kagekiyoʼs
wife (tsuma) Akoya (景清妻阿古屋), Matsumoto Kunigorô as Banba Chûta (番場忠太), Matsumoto Torazô as Takenoshita Magohachi (竹ノ下孫八), and Kataoka Toragorô I as Umibe (海野太郎) Play: Iwao no Hananami
no Shiraishi (岩藤浪白石) Date: 3rd
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi NOTE: This triptych is
very similar to a triptych for Ichinotani mushae no iezuto (一谷武者画土産) staged in the
8th month of 1849. |
Actors: Arashi
Kichisaburô Play: Hiragana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記, Life’s Ups
and Downs Written in the Japanese Cursive Syllabary) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Izumi-ya
Ichibei NOTE: New Kabuki Encyclopedia by Samuel L.
Leiter gives Matsuemon’s wife’s name as Oyoshi. |
Actors: Onoe Kikujirô
II as Ofude (おふで, left), Arashi
Kichisaburô Play: Hiragana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記, Life’s Ups
and Downs Written in the Japanese Cursive Syllabary) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Tsutaya
Kichizô |
Actors: Onoe Eizaburô
Play: Hiragana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記, Life’s Ups
and Downs Written in the Japanese Cursive Syllabary) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Sano-ya Kihei NOTE: This triptych
is unusual in that it has no censorʼs seals. I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this
image. |
Actors: Arashi
Kichisaburô Play: Hiragana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記, Life’s Ups
and Downs Written in the Japanese Cursive Syllabary) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Publisher: No seal Theater: Kawarasaki NOTE: These are
three keyblock prints (kyôgô or kyôgozuri-e), which are impressions
pulled from the first woodblocks made by a carver from the artist’s original
drawings. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Ichikawa Kuzô II as 新綱左衛門 Right sheet: Arashi Kichisaburô Play: Karukaya Dôshin Tsukushi no Iezuto (苅萱桑門筑紫) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: |
Actors: Left sheet:
Actor as Kudô Saemon Suketsune (工藤左衛門祐経) Right sheet: Actors as Hachiman Saburô Gyoshi (八幡三郎行氏), Ômi Kotôta Nariie
(近江小藤太成家) and others Play: Karukaya Dôshin Tsukushi
no Iezuto (苅萱桑門筑紫) Date: 4th
month of 1842 (censor Murata Sahei) Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Koga-ya Katsugorô |
Actors: Iwai Shijaku I as nurse Shigenoi (お乳人重の井) and Iwai Kumesaburô Play: Koi nyobo Somewake tazuna (恋女房染分手綱) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Wakasa-ya Yoichi NOTE: The text reads seven-year memorial of Iwai Hanshirô VI (Roku-daime Iwai
Hanshirô shichikaiki tsuizen, 六代目岩井半四郎七回忌追善). Sankichi is
holding a Tokaidô sugoroku
board, which plays a central role in the plot, and at his feet is a tobacco
pouch with the text beware of fire (hinoyôjin,
火の用心). Therefore, this print is both a memorial
print and a depiction of the 1842 production of Koi nyobo Somewake
tazuna. I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this
information. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Ichikawa Kuzô II as the calligraphy teacher (tenarai shisô) Yamada Shôzô (手習師匠山田庄蔵) Center sheet: Iwai Shijaku I as Hikosôʼs wife (nyôbô) Omasu
(彦惣女房お竹) and
12-year-old Iwai Kumesaburô Right sheet: Onoe Kikujirô II as Konomurayaʼs wife (nyôbô) Okita (小の村や女房お北) Play: Sono
Samisen Homare no Takane (其三味線誉高調) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Maru-ya Seijirô NOTE: Sono Samisen Homare no Takane was a short
piece performed along with Hiragana Seisuiki. I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this
image. |
One sheet from another state of the above
triptych. The colors are different, and
the censor’s (next to signature) has been removed. This print may have been used for a
different performance. |
Actors: Left sheet:
Iwai Shijaku I as Hikoso’s
wife Omasu (彦惣女房お竹) Center sheet: Arashi Kishisaburô Right sheet: Ichikawa Kuzô II as Kawasakiya
Hikosô (川崎屋彦惣) Play: Sono
Samisen Homare no Takane (其三味線誉高調) Date: 4th
month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher: Izumi-ya
Ichibei |
Actors: Iwai Shijaku I as Hikosôʼs wife (nyôbô) Omasu
(彦惣女房お竹, left) and Ichikawa Kuzô II as Kawasakiya
Hikosô (川崎屋彦惣, right) Play: Sono Samisen Homare no Takane (其三味線誉高調) Date: 4th month of 1842 Theater: Kawarasaki Publisher:
Kawaguchi-ya Uhei I am grateful to Marc
DeVriese for this image and to Lucienne Parkan for information about it. |
Play: Futatsu
chôchô kuruwa nikki (双蝶仝曲輪日記, Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters) Date: 8th month of 1842 Theater: Nakamura Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image. |
Arashi Kichisabrurô III as the wrestler Hanaregoma Chôkichi (放駒長吉, left) and Sawamura Tosshô
I as wrestler Nuregami Chôgorô
(関取ぬれがみ長五郎, right) Play: Futatsu chôchô kuruwa nikki (双蝶仝曲輪日記, Diary of Two Butterflies in the
Pleasure Quarters) Date: 8th month of 1842 Theater: Nakamura Publisher:
Arita-ya Seiemon I am grateful to Lucienne
Parkan for this image. |