Kanadehon Chûshingura


Publisher Echizen-ya Heisaburô

c. 1833-1835


This series is based on a performance of the kabuki play Kanadehon Chûshingura.  The text in the right lower corner of each print reads 越前屋平三郎板 (Echizen-ya Heisaburô printing).  The series is not listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961), and the prints are each about 7 by 10 inches (18 by 25 centimeters), a size known as chûban.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for contributing this series. 


Act: Act 5 (五段目)

Scene: Matsumoto Kôshirô V as Ono Sadakurô robbing Yoichibei

A later printing of the above design with red color hand-applied some time after the printing

Act: Act 6 (六段目)

Scene: Onoe Kikugorô III as Hayano Kanpei

A later printing of the above design with red color hand-applied some time after the printing

Act: Act 7 (七段目), a late printing


Act: Act 8 (八段目), a late printing

Scene: On the bridal journey, Konami and her mother Tonase are resting under a tree with Mount Fuji in the background

Act: Act 9 (九段目), a late printing


Act: Act 10 (十段目), a late printing

Scene: Amakawakaya Gihei in his shop with his wife

Act: Act 11, first scene (十一段目上)

Scene: The ronin in the snow surrounding Moronao, who has been dragged from the charcoal-shed 

 A later printing of the above design with red color hand-applied some time after the printing

Act: Act 11, final scene (十一段目下)


 A later printing of the above design with red color hand-applied some time after the printing