Newly Published Childrenʼs Games

(Shinpan kodomo asobi no uchi, 新版子供あそびの内)

Publisher: Ise-ya Rihei

c. 1836


This series includes prints designed by Kuniyoshi and by his student Utagawa Yoshitora.  It is not listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961). The prints in this series are each about 10 by 14 inches (25 by 36 centimeters), a size known as ôban.  These prints may be considered a continuation of Children’s Games.  I am grateful to Robert Pryor for his contributions to this series.


Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: Playing in the snow (Shinban kodomo asobi no uchi yuki asobi, 新板子供遊び之内 雪遊び)

Description: Children playing in the snow with a snow Daruma (Japanese snowman)

Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: Games at New Years (Haru no asobi, 春のあそび)

Description: Children playing sugoroku and karuta, with Kagami mochi on the sanbo table (top right)

Another state without any purple

Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: Shinpan kodomo asobi no uchi geiizukushi, 新板 子供あそびの芸以づくし

Description: Boys engaged in various tests of strength

Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: Kotoro (ことろ〱)

Description: Children playing kotoro, a game similar to tag

Another state of the above design

Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: The Bon Bon Song (Bon bon uta, ぼんぼんうた)

Description: Girls holding hands and singing the Bon Bon Song, while boys play with fireworks during summer Obon Festival

Another state of the avove design

Artist: Kuniyoshi

Title: Sumô no asobi (Sumô Game)


Artist: Yoshitora


Description: Children by the river catching insects including dragonflies, using one attached to a thread, chasing frogs and picking peaches

Artist: Yoshitora

Title: Learning about the 100 (Supernatural) Stories (Hyakumonogatari [Kaidankai] no manabi, 百物がたりのまなび)


Artist: Yoshitora

Title: Catching Fireflies (Hotarugari, 蛍がり)

Description: Children in boats catching fireflies


