of Remarkable Persons of Loyalty and High Reputation,
(Chûkô meiyo kijin den, 忠孝名誉奇人傳)
Scene: Miyamoto
Musashi (宮本 武蔵) with two
wooden swords, fencing with the old Master Tsukahara Bokuden
who is using two wooden pot lids Robinson: S35.8 Publisher: Ise-ya Ichibei |
A keyblock print of Miyamoto Musashi and Tsukahara Bokuden |
Scene: Oguri Hangwan Ujishige (小栗判官氏重) attended by Terute-hime and holding a vicious horse Robinson: S35.9 Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
Scene: Ono no Tôfû (小野道風, Michikaze) learning perseverance from a frog climbing a
willow branch Robinson: S35.10 Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
Scene: Settsu no
Zenji (Hirai) Yasumasa (摂津前司保昌) playing a
flute on a moonlit night while the robber Hakamadare
Yasusuke approaches Robinson: S35.11 Text: 古今の笛の名人なり ある時月にうかれて笛ふきてありきけるに其頃名高き盗人袴だれ保輔といふもの衣服をはがんとつけねらへども其勇気におそれて十余町か間したがひ行にすこしもすきなくつひに保昌家にともな… Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
Another state of the above design |
Scene: Shidzuka-gozen (静御前) as a shirabyoshi
dancing on a veranda Robinson: S35.12 Text: 静御前磯の禅師が子容貌美麗の白拍子なり男舞の名人と聞えし義経の妾となり義経奥州へ下る時吉野にて捕ハれ後鎌倉へくだり頼朝のまへにて貞心をあらハす 揃い物の一枚 Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
A greatly simplified state of the above design |
Scene: The poetess Shûshiki (秋色) wearing her father’s overcoat in the
rain Robinson: S35.13 Publisher: Ise-ya Ichibei |
Scene: Sugimoto Sakubei (杉本作兵衛), a retainer
of Kusunoki, weeping before the latter’s son, Masatsura Robinson: S35.14 Publisher: Ise-ya Ichibei |
Another state with grey replacing purple |
Scene: Chinzei Hachirô Tametomo (鎮西八郎爲朝) with a large improvised
bow talking to a fisher-girl while exiled in Ôshima
Robinson: S35.15 Text: 為義の八男八郎と号す 身の丈七尺五寸古今無双の強弓にて智勇双ぶものなし 保元の乱に崇徳院の味方に属して大功あり 然ども軍破れて後江州にて生捕れ伊豆の国へなかさる 大島に有てしま/゙\を押領し我意… Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
Another state of the above design |
Scene: Yamamoto Kansuke (山本勘助) overcoming a
giant boar in the snow Robinson: S35.16 Publisher: Ise-ya Ichibei |
Scene: Princess Chujo (Chûjô-hime, 中将姫) seated watching
a rainbow with a spinning wheel forming a halo behind her head Robinson: S35.17 Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei |
Scene: Shijô Dainagon (四条大納言) on the rail
of a veranda with a ball above him and a flight of wild geese Robinson: S35.18 Text: 好で鞠を蹴させ給ひ雨降る日は御殿で遊し七千日懈怠なくけられしとかや 其裡にも清水のふたいの高欄ニ沓をはきて悠然とまりを蹴て東西へ度々わたり給ひけるは誠ニ蝶鳥の飛かふよりもかるし 見る人胆をひやし… Publisher: Enshû-ya Matabei I am grateful to Jesper Heine Jensen for this image. |
Another state of the above design |
“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement. CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO MAIN