Sugoroku, Part I
These prints are actually the
boards for a Japanese board game known as e-sugoroku (絵双六) or simply as sugoroku (双六).
The game is played with dice, and the object is to reach the end of a
track. I am grateful to Robert Pryor
for his many contributions to this section. |
Title: Akiba Horaiji Temple to Ise Grand Shrine,
Yamato Tour Tokaido Sugoroku (Akiba Hôraiji Ise sangû Yamato meguri
Tôkaidô dôchû sugoroku, 秋葉鳳来寺伊勢参宮大和めぐり東海道道中雙六) Size: 44 x 65 cm Date: Publisher: Akamatsu-ya Shôtarô (赤松庄太郎) |
Another state with a blue text box near the
middle |
Title: New Edition Palace Servant’s Holiday Amusement
Sugoroku Board (Shinpan yadosagari raku sugoroku, 新版 宿下り楽双六) Size: 36 x 63 cm Date: Publisher: Yorozu-ya Kichibei |
Title: Iroha Kana Divided Sugoroku (Iroha
kana sugoroku, いろは仮名書分双六) Size: 60 x73 cm Date: 9th month of 1855 Publisher: Yamaguchi-ya Tobei NOTE: The images are of
actors as various characters of the Kanadehon chûshingura. This print bears the names of two
artists—Kunisada and Kuniyoshi. |
Title: Five Confucian Virtues (Jin gi gojou
furiwake sugoroku, 仁義五常振分双六) Size: 60 x 72 cm Date: 1858 Publisher: Heikichi Yamamoto NOTE: This print bears the
names of three artists—Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, and Hiroshige. |
Title: Good and Evil Roads, Successful Life (Zen’aku
douchû shusse sugoroku, 善悪道中出世寿古六) Size: Date: 7th month of 1855 Publisher: NOTE: This is the package
in which the print was sold: |
Two other states |
Title: Shinto, Confucianism, Buddhism Apportioned Sugoroku
(Kami Ju Hotoke Furiwake Sugoroku, 神儒仏振分寿語祿) Size: 50 x 73 cm Date: 10th month of 1852 Publisher:
NOTE: 寿語禄 is a pun, literally meaning ‘long
life and prosperity’. |
Title: Big City Jôruri with Big Nose Sugoroku
(Dai tokai jôruri kôbi sugoroku, 大都会浄瑠璃高鼻寿語録) Size: Date: Publisher:
Title: Big City Jôruri with Big Nose Sugoroku
(Dai tokai jôruri kôbi sugoroku, 大都会浄瑠璃高鼻寿語録) Description:
Size: Publisher: |
Title: Mountain Pine Treasures Prosperity Sugoroku (Takara
no yama matsu han'ei sugoroku, 宝の山松繁栄双六) Size: Date: Publisher: |
Title: Mountain Pine Treasures Prosperity Sugoroku (Takara
no yama matsu han'ei sugoroku, 宝の山松繁栄双六) Size: Date: Publisher: NOTE: It is not clear
whether this is a keyblock print or a cheap monochrome edition of the above
design. |
Title: Contemporary 100 Faces Sugoroku (Tônen
shin'an engi kissô hyakumen sugoroku, 当年新案延喜吉相百面双六) Size: Date: 1842-1846 (censor Watanabe Shôemon) Publisher: Jôshûya Kinzô |
Title: Mitate of the 53 Famous Stations of the
Tokaido Road Sugoroku (Shinpan Tôkaidô gojû-san tsugi meisho iri
mitate dôchû sugoroku, 新板東海道五拾三次名所入見立道中双六) Size: Date: Publisher: |
Title: New Edition Jôruri Kiyomoto Sugoroku (Shinpan
jôruri Kiyomoto sugoroku, 新版 浄瑠璃清元) Size: 47 x 69 cm Date: Publisher: Heikichi Yamamoto NOTE: Kiyomoto Enjudayu II
was a famous jôruri performer. |
Title: Entertaining Exploits of the Three Kingdoms Sugoroku
(Sangoku kyô ritsuko, 三国興立功双六) Size: 62 x 72 cm Date: 1855 Publishers: Tsuru-ya Kiyemon, Sano-ya Kihei, Kaga-ya Kichiyemon and
Nishimura-ya Yohachi Robinson: S95f.2 |
Title: Heroes of the Water Margin (Suikoden
gôketsu sugoroku, 水滸傳豪傑雙六) Size: 52 x 91 cm Date: Publishers: Tsuru-ya Kiemon, Sano-ya Kihei,
Kaga-ya Kichiemon, and Nishimura-ya Yohachi
Title: Stupid and Smart Divided Up (Baka rikô
furiwake, 破家利口振分双六) Size: 37 x 50 cm Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu) Publisher: Shokindo (祥錦堂) |
Title: Edokko Flower Buds Sugoroku (Tsubomi
no hana Edokko sugoroku, 莟花江戸子数語録) Size: Date: 2nd month of 1856 Publisher: NOTE: “Edokko” means a
person who is born and raised in Edo (modern day Tokyo). The title is a pun that can also be
translated as Promising Edokko Youth Sugoroku. The above print was sold in a package that
shows a boy playing various pranks on an older man: |
Title: Gama Senin Magic Heroes Sugoroku (Gama
Senin jutsu goketsu sugoroku, 蟇仙術豪傑双六) Size: Date: 11th month of 1852 Publisher: Fujioka-ya Hikotarô NOTE: The large images show
Ichikawa Kuzô II as Senso Dôjin and Iwai Kumesaburô III as Teruta Hime on
top. On the bottom is Ichikawa Danjûrô
VIII as Jiraiya. |
Title: Imitations of Dances in Jôrori Plays (Mitate
jôruri odori sugoroku, 見立浄瑠理おどり双六) Size: Date: 1846-1848 (censors Muramatsu and Yoshimura) Publisher:
Title: Great Hero Sugoroku or Otokodate
Sugoroku (Otoko gôketsu sugoroku, 達男豪傑双六) Size: Date: 1842-1846 Publisher: |