Sugoroku, Part II
Title: A Collection of Amusing Actor Stories (Yakusha
chaban ka raku sû-goroku, 役者茶番可楽数語録) Size: 52 x 38 cm Date: 1833 Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei NOTE: Kuniyoshi’ signature
is written as一勇斎 國よし 画 (Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga).
The “yoshi” character is written in hiragana as よし instead of the usual 芳. |
Title: Famous Places in Kai Sugoroku (Kai
meisho sugoroku, 甲斐名所寿古六) Size: Date: Publisher: NOTE: The individual
images are signed by different artists, including Kuniyoshi. |
Title: Heroic Hakkenden Sudoroku (Hakkenden
eiyu sugoroku, 八犬伝英勇双六) Subtitle: Selected by Ryûkatei
Tanekazu (柳下亭種員 撰, at bottom right of center) Size: 48 x 70 cm Date: 1849-1851 (censors Fuku and Muramatsu) Publisher: Sano-ya Kihei NOTE: This is the package in which the print was sold: |
Title: Heroes from the One Hundred Stories of Bravery
of Our Country’s Sugoroku (Honcho Hyakuden Eiyuu Sugoroku, 本朝百勇伝英雄双六) Size: 36 x 75 cm (ôban triptych) Date: 1843-1846 (censor Yoshimura Gentarô) Publisher: |
Title: Edo Specialty Confectionery Shops Sugoroku
(Edo Meibutsu Kashiya Sugoroku, 江戸名物菓子屋双六) Size: 38 x 51 cm Date: c. 1843-1848 Publisher: Kogaya Katsugorô |
Title: Water Margin Heroes Sugoroku (Gôketsu
suikoden sugoroku, 豪傑水滸伝双六) Size: Date: c. 1850 Publisher:
Title: Heavenly Good Fortune Sugoroku (Fukurokuju
Tenjô Sugoroku, 福禄寿天上双六) Size: 37 x 76 cm Date: 1848 Publisher: Yorozu-ya Kichibei |
Title: New Edition New Year Games Hodoyoshi (Shinpan
haru no tawamure Hodoyoshi, 新板春戯程芳双六 Size: Date: Publisher: NOTE: Hodoyoshi is an
alias used by Kuniyoshi. The print is
inscribed Chô-ô-rô Kuniyoshi work drawn by Kuniyoshi’s disciple Yoshitsuna (Chô-ô-rô
Kuniyoshi saku Kuniyoshi monjin Yoshitsuna ga, 朝櫻楼國芳作國芳門人芳綱画). |
Title: Charming Spring View Sugoroku (Haru
no nagame aikyô sugoroku, 春のながめ愛敬寿ご六) Size: Date: 1846-1852 Publisher: Shimizu-ya Naojirô |
Title: New Edition Falconry Sugoroku (Shinban
takano sugoroku, 新板鷹野雙六) Size: 47 x 36 cm Date: c. 1820s Publisher: NOTE: This print by Kuniyoshi is on the packaging of a sugoroku board by Sadatora. |
Title: Journey to Kamakura, Enoshima, and Ôyama
Sugoroku, Selected by Ryûtei Tanehiko, Illustrated by the Former Hokusai (鎌倉 江ノ嶋 大山 新板往来雙六, 柳亭種彦撰, 前北齋為一圖) Size: 26 x 21 cm Date: c. early 1830s Publisher: NOTE: This print by
Kuniyoshi is on the packaging of a sugoroku
board by Hokusai. |
Title: Yoshitsune sugoroku (義経双六) Size: Date: c. 1845-1848 Publisher: NOTE: This print signed by Kuniyoshi is on the
packaging of a sugoroku board. |
Title: Lady’s Maid Amusement Sugoroku (Okuzutome
tanoshimi sugoroku, 奥勤楽寿ご六) Size: 24 x 18 cm Date: 1847-1848 (censors Hama and Kinugasa) Publisher: NOTE: This print by
Kuniyoshi is on the packaging of a sugoroku
board by Yoshimune. |
Title: Taiheiki Success Sugoroku (Taiheiki
shusse sugoroku, 太平記出世双六) Size: Date: Publisher: NOTE: This is the front and back of a package for a sugoroku board.
The signature reads package illustration painted by Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi (Fukuro
ga Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi hitsu,
袋画 一勇斎 國芳筆), which
suggests that the game board may have been by a different artist. |