Warrior triptychs

1839-1841, Part I



Title: The Biography of Yoshitsune: Gojo Bridge (Yoshitsune ichidaiki: Gojô-bashi no zu, 義経一代記五条ノ橋之圖)

Description: The moonlight fight between Yoshitsune and Benkei on Gojô bridge in Kyoto with Kisanda behind

Publisher: Fujioka-ya Hikotarô

Date: c. 1839

Robinson: T47



I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this alternate state of the above design.  Note the lack of shadows on the poles and on the water.

This copy of Kuniyoshi’s triptych is signed by the Osaka artist Tomiyuki (富雪).  The sheets are ôban size, and there is no publisher’s seal.  It dates from about the late 1850s.  I am grateful to Frederik Balhuizen and Josta Klaassen for calling my attention to the existance of this triptych.

Kuniyoshi - (T 47a)

Title: The Battle of Miidera (Miidera kassen, 三井寺合戰)

Text: Nitta Shitennô; Kuryû, Shinozuka, Hatta, Watari, yûroku, akira Miidera-ji no gunzei oyabu ( 新田四天王栗生, 篠塚畑亘理勇力, 顯三井寺ノ軍勢ヲ破)

Description: The Battle of Miidera, with Shinozuka Iga no Kami (篠塚伊賀守重廣) clutching a beam, and Kuryû Sayemon-no-jô (栗生左エ門尉頼賢) beside him.  Watari Shinzaemon ichikatsu (亘理新左エ門逸勝) and Hata Rokurozaemon Saemon jo tokiyoshi (畑六郎左エ門尉時能) are in the left panel.  Wakiya Uemon Suke Yoshisuke (脇屋右エ門佐義助) and others are in the right panel.

Publisher: Sôshû-ya Yohei

Date: c. 1839

Robinson: T47a


I am grateful to Robert Pryor for information about this triptych.

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design with splattered white ink to indicate kicked-up dirt:

Kuniyoshi - (T 48) Mitate musha rokkasen

Title: Group of Six Choice Warrior-poets (Mitate musha rokkasen, 見立武者六歌仙)

Description: Gen Sammi Yorimasa, Satsuma no Kami Tadanori, Kenrei-monin, Udaijin Sanetomo, Udaishô Yoritomo and Kumagaye Renshô-bô (Naozane)

Publisher: Yamato-ya

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T48

Kuniyoshi - (T 48) Mitate musha rokkasen

I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this alternate state of the above design.

I am grateful to Frederik Balhuizen and Josta Klaassen for this sheets from two other states.  Both sheets bear partial seals of the censor Takano Shin'emon (top center), indicating a date of 1842-1843.  The sheet on the right also has the seal of the publisher Mankyû (万久).


Kuniyoshi - (T 49) Osanashi-dachi buyû soroi (A Set of Heroic Children), c

Title: A Collection of Heroes in Their Childhood (Osanashi-dachi buyû soroi, 稚立武勇揃)

Description: Below are the names of the thirty-six boys represented, each followed in parentheses by his adult name, or other information given on the print:



(right-hand edge, top to bottom): Tokuju Maru (Nitta Yoshioki), Hako-ô Maru (Soga Gorô Tokimune), Ichiman Maru (Soga Jurô Sukenari), Aza Maru (Aku-shichibyôye Kagekiyo)


(middle): Shiragiku Maru (novice of Gwagôji), Uhyôye-no-suke Minamoto no Yoritomo (fifth son of Yoshitomo), Gorô Maru (Mimmaya no Shigemune)


(left-hand side): Juô Maru (Ôtomo no Sukune Kanamura), Onzôshi Tametomo (eighth son of Tameyoshi), Bijô Maru (son of Minamoto no Yorinobu, Kaidômaru (Sakata no Kintoki), Hyôzô (Tetsu Kôzuke, son of a farmer of Echigo)



(right-hand side): Kana-ishi Maru (Kudô Suketsune), Kôju Maru (son of Fujiwara no Nakamitsu), Wada Masatora (Genshû), Taira no Tomoakira (son of Tomomori), Oniwaka Maru (Musashi- Benkei)


(middle): Ushiwaka Maru (Kurô Hangwan Yoshitsune), Ariô Maru (page to Shunkwan), Chikudô Maru, Mukwan-no-tayû Atsumori (son of Sammi Tsunemori)


(left-hand side): Wakiya Yoshiharu (son of Yoshisuke and younger brother of Nitta Yoshisada) , Nagasaki Jirô (page to Hôjô Takatoki), Kusunoki Masatsura (eldest son of Masashige), Kon-ô Maru (Tosa- Shôshun)



(right-hand side): Kikuô Maru (page to Nôto no Kami Noritsune), Sôma Kotarô Yoshikado (son of Masakado) , Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa (page to Yoshiiye), The Rough Boy of Usui-tôge (Usui Sadamitsu)


(middle): Antoku Tennô, Tamon Maru (Kusunoki Masashige), Kojiro Nao-iye (son of Kumagaya Naozane)


(left-hand side): Koma-ô Maru (Kiso Kwanja Yoshinaka), Hijiri Maru (page to Hioki Daizen), Kidô Maru (novice of Hiyeizan), Kichijô Maru (Ôtomo Yoshinao)

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T49

Kuniyoshi - (T 50) The great ships full of boys and girls sent in search of the immortal medicine

Title: The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty in China, in Search of the Magical Herbs of Longevity, Had Ten Great Ships Built, and the Court Magician Xu Fu with Five Hundred Boys and Girls, Carrying Treasure, Food Supplies, and Equipment, Set Out for Mount Penglai in the Eastern Sea (Morokoshi Shin no shikôtei chôsei furô no sen'yaku o motomen tame ni ôfune jissô o tsukurashi Hôshi Jofuku dônan dôjo gohyakunin to kingin shugyoku gokoku kizai o ... rashi Tôkai Hôraizan e itaru no zu, 異朝秦の始皇帝長生不老の仙薬を求めん為に大船十艘を造らし方士除福童男童女五百人金銀珠玉五穀器財を齎らし東海蓬莱山へ至るの圖)

Description: The great ships full of boys and girls sent in search of the immortal medicine (Hôraizan) by the Chinese Emperor Shih Huang Ti (Shikôtei), c. 219 BCE

Publisher: Hoso-Sen

Date: c. 1839-1841 (this triptych was reprinted c. 1843 with the seal of the censor, Kinugasa)

Robinson: T50


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.

This key block print for the above design is courtesy of Richard Illing.  Each panel is an impression pulled from the first woodblock made by a carver from the artist’s original drawing.  The artist would write instructions for each color on a separate key block print, and the woodblock for each color was cut using one of these as a guide.  In addition to being a guide for carving the color woodblocks, the key block was also used to apply black ink (usually) in the printing process.

Kuniyoshi - (T 51) The Punitive Expidition of Empress Jingo in Korea (Jingu Kogo Sankan seibatsu no zu)

Title: Empress Jingû Kôgô Invades Korea (Jingô Kôgô Sankan seibatsu no zu, 神宮皇后三韓征伐圖)

Description: The punitive expedition of the Empress Jingô to Korea (traditional date, 200): Takeshiuchi-no-sukune, backed by the Empress and her troops, attacking the Koreans on the sea-shore

Publisher: Nuno-Kichi

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T51


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.

Title: Hachimantarô Yoshiie:  Ieyasu Defeated Yoritoki Sadato’s Imperial Enemies and Returned to the Capital with Munetô (Hachimantarô Yoshiie: Kôhei nenkan Yoritoki Sadatô no chôteki, 八幡太郎義家: 康平年間頼時貞任の朝敵をほろぼし宗任をつれ都へ帰陣の圖)

Description: The captive rebel Abe Munetô (安倍貞任) brought before Fujiwara Mitsuyori (藤原宗則) by Hachimantarô Yoshiie (八幡太郎義家) in 1064

Publisher: Takahashi-ya Takakichi

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T52


NOTE: Hachimantarô Yoshiie is better known as Minamoto no Yoshiie.  I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this image.

A later edition of the above triptych


Text: In the 4th year of the Jôhan era, he broke into Aotoba’s inn to steal Tachibanaji's luggage, but Ushiwakamaru ended up killing him (Uketamawa yasu shi-nen Tachibana tsugi no nimotsu datsu n tame Aohaka no yado e nyū komi shi ga tsui ni ushi waka maru ga tame satsugai seraru, 承安四年橘次の荷物奪ん為青墓の宿へ入込しが終に牛若丸が為殺害せらる)

Description: Night scene of Ushiwaka Maru (牛若丸) fighting Kumasaka Chôhan (熊坂長範) and his gang at the inn; one shining a lantern (1174)

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T53

Title: Untitled diptych

Description: Ushiwaka Maru (Yoshitsune) fighting Benkei on Gojô Bridge

Publisher: Nuno-Kichi

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T54



No image available




Description: Saemon no suke (左衛門佐) and Taira no Shigemori (平重盛) with their troops in a battle in the snow (probably during the troubles of Hôgen in 1156 or of Heiji in 1159)

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T55

Text: In the fourth year of the Jishô era, Minamoto no Yoritomo raised an army and encamped in Ukishimagahara, Sunshû, summoned Tokisha’s younger brother Yoshitsune and others… (Jisbô yo-nen Minamoto no Yoritomo- gihei wo age Sunshû, 治承四年源頼朝公我兵を揚げ駿州浮嶋ヶ原に陣を居られし時舎弟義経民等を召集し欧州に到着あり土肥実平を対面の圖) 

Description: The interview between the brothers Yoritomo and Yoshitsune at the base of Mount Fuji in 1180

Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T56

Kuniyoshi - (T 57) Yoritomo and his troops crossing the Sumida River on rafts in August, 1180

Title: Crossing the Sumida River on Rafts (Sumidagawa ikada watashi no zu, 隅田川筏渡ノ圖)

Description: Yoritomo and his troops crossing the Sumida River on rafts in August, 1180

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T57


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.

I am grateful to Jerzy Wojciechowski for this alternate state of the above design.  Note the difference in the transition from sea to sky in the left sheet.

Title: History of the Ups and Downs of the Minamoto and Taira: The Battle of Fujikawa in Suruga Province (Gempei seisuiki: Suruga no kuni Fujikawa kassen源平盛衰記: 駿河国富士川合戦)

Description: At the Battle of Fujikawa, a flight of wild geese warned the Minamoto of a Taira ambush on November 10, 1180

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T58


NOTE: The series History of the Ups and Downs of the Minamoto and Taira (Gempei seisuiki, 源平盛衰記) consists of five triptychs.  In Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) the series is listed as S19, but the individual triptychs are listed as T58, T59, T60, T109 and T123.

Kuniyoshi - (T 59) History of the Ups and Downs of the Minamoto and Taira- The battle of Katsu-ura in Awa Province, Yoshitsune on piebald horse,men near enemy castle, bay

Title: History of the Ups and Downs of the Minamoto and Taira: The Battle of Katsu-ura in Awa Province (Gempei seisuiki: Awa no kuni Katsu-ura kassen, 源平盛衰記 阿波國勝浦合戦)

Description: The battle of Katsu-ura in Awa Province: Yoshitsune and his troops marching along the shore to attack Yoshitô’s castle on March 20, 1185

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T59


NOTE: This triptych is inscribed gakô Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi (画工 一勇斎 國芳), with gakô translating as painter or as artist.  The inscription is not a signature, and was written by another hand.  I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for the image.

Title: History of the Ups and Downs of the Minamoto and Taira: The Battle of Ataka in Kaga Province (Gempei seisuiki: Kaga no kuni Ataka kassen, 源平盛衰記 加賀国安宅合戦)

Description: The battle of Ataka in Kaga Province, with Tomoye-gozen and Yamabuki (both in upper portion of right-hand panel), the warrior-mistress and wife, respectively, of Yoshinaka, attacking the Taira under Kagekiyo in 1183

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T60


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.

I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this alternate state of the above design.  Note the flags in the right upper corner and the right lower corner.


Title: The Great Battle between the Minamoto and the Taira in Northern Echizen Province (Gempei Hokuyetsu ô-kassen, 源平北越大合戦)

Description: The great battle between Yoshinaka and the Taira in northern Echizen Province with Shirô Nagamochi, the Amazon Hangaku and Kurô Sukemori

Publisher: Tsuru-ya Kiyemon

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T61


I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating the right-hand and left-hand sheets.

Title: The Great Battle of the Uji River (Ujigawa ô-kassen, 宇治川大合戦)

Description: The battle of the Uji River on March 5, 1184: Takatsuna about to land (right), followed by Kagesue (center) and the main body of troops still in midstream (left) with a broken bridge in the background

Publisher: Ezaki-ya Tatsuzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T62


“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement.


