Warrior triptychs

1839-1841, Part II


Kuniyoshi - (T 63) Imai Shiro in battle in a snowy landscape, 1840s, pub

Title: Awazu-ga-hara ô-kassen: Yoshinaka Shitennô Imai Shirô Kanehira etc.

Description: Prowess of Imai Kanehira at the battle of Awazu in March, 1184; he is shown fighting under the pine tree of Karasaki on the shore of Lake Biwa; Yoshitsune is seen on the left

Publisher: Sôshû-ya Yohei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T63


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this image.

Kuniyoshi - (T 64) Washio Saburô struggling with a black bear, watched by Yoshitsune & his retainers (Alt

Title: Washi-no-o no Saburô Ichi-no-tani Hiyodori-goe no annaisha to naru zu (鷲ノ尾三郎一の谷鵯越の案内者となる図)

Description: Washio Saburô struggling with a black bear, watched by Yoshitsune and his retainers on March 21, 1184

Publisher: Maru-ya Seijirô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T64

Kuniyoshi - (T 64) Washio Saburô struggling with a black bear, watched by Yoshitsune & his retainers

Note Yoshitsune’s sleeve in the left panel of this alternate state of the above design.

Kuniyoshi - (T 65) Yoshitsune leading his men in descent of Hiyodori-goe defile at Battle of Ichi-no-tani (Yoshitsune no gunpei Ichi-no-tani saka-otoshi no zu)

Title: Yoshitsune’s Troop Attacking Group of the Heike from the Top of Ichinotani Hill (Yoshitsune no gumpei Ichi-no-tani saka-otoshi no zu, 義経之軍兵一ノ谷逆落之図)

Description: Yoshitsune leading his men in the descent of the Hiyodori-goe Gorge at the Battle of Ichi-no-tani on March 21, 1184

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Uhei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T65


NOTE: Several examples of this state have been located, and they all have the three signature cartouches in different colors.  This example is courtesy of Marc DeVriese.

Two sheets from another state of the above design

Title: Banshû Suma-ga-mori no sakura ni Yoshitsune kôsatsu wo tatsuru zu (Yoshitsune Has a Signboard Put up for the Cherry Tree at Suma Temple in Harima Province, 播州須磨寺ノ櫻ニ義経高札ヲ立ル図)

Description: Yoshitsune (center) and his followers under the cherry-trees of Suma receiving Kumagai Naozane (left) with the head of Atsumori in a box after the Battle of Ichi-no-tani on March 21, 1184

Publisher: Kaga-ya Kichibei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T66

Another state of the above design with a partly black sky


Title: Minamoto no Yoshitsune Kajiwara sakaro sôron no zu (The Quarrel Between Yoshitsune and Kajiwara Kagetoki about Reversed Oars before the Battle of Yashima, 源義経梶原逆艪争論図)

Description: The quarrel between Yoshitsune and Kajiwara Kagetoki about ‘reversed oars’ (sakaro) before the Battle of Yashima on March 23, 1184 

Publisher: Arita-ya Seiemon

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T67


Another state of the above design


Title: Gempei Yashima ô-kassen

Description: The great battle of Yashima on March 23,  1184: Yoshitsune’s “eight boat leap” (center), Noritsune (left), Benkei on a large boat and Munemori clinging to a piece of floating wood (right)

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Uhei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T68

Kuniyoshi - (T 68) Yoshitsune's leap , pub

Note the mountains in the left panel of the alternate state.

Kuniyoshi - (T 69)

Title: Nagato no kuni Akama-ga-ura Gempei ô-kassen

Description: The great Battle of Akama-ga-ura (usually known as the Battle of Dan-no-ura): Yoshitsune performing his ‘eight boat leap’ pursued by Noritsune and Moritsugu

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Chôzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T69


NOTE: Yoshitsune’s superhuman “eight boat leap” (hassô-tobi) is usually associated with the Battle of Yashima, rather than the Battle of Dan-no-ura. 

Kuniyoshi - (T 70) The ghosts of the Taira Clan attacking Yoshitsune's ship in Daimotsu Bay in Settsu Province

Title: Sesshû Daimotsu-no-ura ni Heike no onryô arawaruru no zu (The Ghosts of the Heike Appear at Daimotsu Bay in Settsu Province, 摂州大物浦平家怨霊顕る図)

Description: The ghosts of the Taira attacking Yoshitsune’s ship in Daimotsu Bay in the province of Settsu on November 28, 1185

Publisher: Nuno-Kichi

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T70

Kuniyoshi - (T 70) The ghosts of the Taira Clan attacking Yoshitsune's ship in Daimotsu Bay in Settsu Province (red)

I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for this alternate state with a red title cartouche.

Kuniyoshi - (T 71) Udaishô Yoritomo-kô Susono maki-gari seisen zu, Yoritomo's hunting party assembled on Suso Moor under Mt

Title: Udaishô Yoritomo- Susono maki-gari seisen zu (Lord Yoritomo’s Hunting Party Assembles in the Foothills of Mount Fuji, 右大将頼朝公裾野牧狩勢揃図)

Description: Yoritomo’s hunting-party assembling on Suso Moor under Mount Fuji in 1193

Publisher: Arita-ya Seiemon (listed as Arita-ya Seijirô by Robinson)

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T71


I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this image.

Kuniyoshi - (T 71) Udaishô Yoritomo-kô Susono maki-gari seisen zu, Yoritomo's hunting party assembled on Suso Moor under Mt

Another state of the above design, also published by Arita-ya Seiemon, courtesy of Marc DeVriese

Kuniyoshi - (T 71) Udaishô Yoritomo-kô Susono maki-gari seisen zu, Yoritomo's hunting party assembled on Suso Moor under Mt

One sheet from another state of the above triptych published by Yamashiro-ya Jinbei, whose seal reads “Yamajin han” (山甚板)

Title: Kenkyû yo-nen Minamoto no Yoritomo Fuji maki-gari no zu

Description: Tadatsune about to receive the charge of the monstrous boar, watched by Yoritomo and his followers in 1193

Publisher: Mori-ya Jihei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T72


NOTE: The panels in this triptych are each approximately 20 by 8 inches (50 by 20 centimeters), a size known either as nagaban or as chôban.


Title: Yoritomo- Fuji no mi-kari no zu (Lord Yoritomo’s Hunt at Mount Fuji, 頼朝公富士之御狩ノ図)

Description: Yoritomo and his followers watching Tadatsune killing the monstrous wild boar

Publisher: Sano-ya Kihei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T73


I am grateful to Vladislav Ruchkin for this image.

Kuniyoshi - (T 73) Yoritomoko Fuji no on kari zu (Minamoto no Yoritomo hunting at Mount Fuji), (purple)

Another state of the above design courtesy of Marc DeVriese.  Note the red signature cartouches.

Title: Udaishô Yoritomo- sumô go-ran no zu (The Great Wrestling Match before Yoritomo and His Son Sanetomo: Chokyo Wrestling with Chikatsune, 右大将頼朝公相撲御覧図)

Description: The great sumô wrestling match before Yoritomo and his son Sanetomo: Chôkyô wrestling with Chikatsune, umpired by Ogata Saburô Masayoshi

Publisher: Fujioka-ya Hikotarô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T74

Title: Untitled

Description: Egara Heita Tanenaga, having been swallowed by a giant python, cuts his way out, while Izumi Kojirô Chikahira and Wada Kojirô Yoshishige control the monster

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T75


NOTE: Some of the woodblocks for this triptych were originally used for the kabuki play Isse Ichidai Kuriki no Myônoji (一世一代功力妙法字), which was performed in the 11th month of 1838.

Title: Taiheiki Tenryûgawa no ukihashi no zu (太平記天龍川之浮橋ノ図)

Description: Nitta Yoshisada and Funada Nyûdô together leaping the gap in the broken bridge across the Tenryûgawa in 1335

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô and Ezaki-ya Tatsuzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T76


NOTE: Jôshû-ya Kinzô’s seal is on the left sheet, and Ezaki-ya Tatsuzô’s seal is on the right sheet.


No image available


Title: Miidera kassen: Nitta no Shitennô etc.

Description: A charge led by Wakiya Uemon-no-suke Yoshisuke (the younger brother of Nitta Yoshisada) at the Battle of Miidera

Publisher: Sôshû-ya Yohei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T77

Title: Nitta Sachûjô Yoshisada jûroku-gi no eiyû no tomo ni etc.

Description: Nitta Yoshisada and his little band of heroes on the shore awaiting the host of Ashikaga Taka-uji, whose ships are seen approaching in the mist prior to the Battle of the Minatogawa in 1336

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T78

Kuniyoshi - (T 79) Kusunoki Masataura kyogun mi hatsuko wo mite, standing on a rocky promontory spying on the Ashikaga forces below

Title: Kusunoki Masatsura kyôgun mi hatsukô wo mite (Kusunoki Masatsura and His Staff on a Cliff Watching Ashikaga’s Troops, 楠正行京軍之発向を見て諸士を集へて敵を砕の謀軍立の手賦を議し給ふ圖)

Description: Kusunoki Masatsura on a hillock surrounded by his staff watching the massing of the Ashikaga troops under the opposing cliff

Publisher: Sano-ya Kihei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T79


I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for the image.

Kuniyoshi - (T 79) Kusunoki Masataura kyogun mi hatsuko wo mite, standing on a rocky promontory spying on the Ashikaga forces below (Alt

Another state of the above design

Title: Ryakuô nen-chû Enya Hangwan keshi shi-jû-shichi ki etc.

Description: The night attack of the Forty-Seven Rônin: the fight in Moronao’s garden, crossed by a long wooden gallery

Publisher: Sano-ya Kihei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T80

Title: Chûshingura shijûshichi-nin: gishi shôkô no zu (47 Ronin burning incense before the tomb of their master Asano Takumi no Kami, 忠臣蔵四十七人 義士焼香之図) 

Description: The Forty-Seven Rônin burning incense before the tomb of their master Enya Hangwan after avenging his death

Publisher: Maru-ya Jimpachi

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T81

Kuniyoshi - (T 82) the Hag of the lonely house of Adachi (Hitotsuya) with her victom and the apparition of the goddess Kannon

Title: Kwanzeon no reigen: hitotsuya no furu-koto rôba no sekiaku etc.

Description: The Hag of Adachi-ga-hara in the Lonely House (hitotsuya) with her girl-victim and the apparition of the goddess Kwannon

Publisher: Minato-ya Kohei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T82

A picture containing text, bedclothes, painting

Description automatically generated

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this alternate state of the above design.

Title: The Igagoe Revenge (伊賀上)


Publisher: Mori-ya Jihei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T82a (not listed by Robinson)


NOTE: The panels in this triptych are each approximately 20 by 8 inches (50 by 20 centimeters), a size known either as nagaban or as chôban.

Title: Iga Kozuke adauchi no zu (Revenge at Kozuke in Iga, 伊賀上野仇討ち圖)

Description: Sakuragi Rinzaemon fleeing on horseback (left), his followers chased by Karaki Masaemon (right), while others are engaged by Ishidome Busuke (right); in the background are Ubudai Rekishiro (left) racing to the assistance of Ikezoe Magohachi (centre) who is engaged with Azumaki Kurobei, and Sawai Matagoro with Wada Shizuma

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T82b (not listed by Robinson)

Kuniyoshi - (T 82c) Minamoto no Yoshitsune & his 19 retainers in a ship with Benkei at the prow

Title: Yoshitsune (no) jûku-shin (The Nineteen Retainers of Yoshitsune, 義経十九臣)

Description: Yoshitsune and his nineteen retainers in a ship with Benkei at the prow

Publisher: Izumi-ya Ichibei

Date: c. 1839-1841

Robinson: T82c (not listed by Robinson)


NOTE: This triptych is very similar to T32 and to T319.  I am grateful to Marc DeVriese for the image.


Description: Kusunoki Masashige’s (楠木正成) attack on Akasaka-jô (下赤坂城, Lower Akasaka Fortress) in 1331

Publisher: Ezaki-ya Kichibei

Date: c. 1840

Robinson: T82d (not listed by Robinson)


I am grateful to John Haessle for this image.


“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement.