Warrior triptychs

1847-1850, Part II


Title: Lord Minamoto Yoritomo’s Hunting Party at Mount Fuji (Minamoto no Yoritomo-ko Fuji maki-gari no zu, 源頼朝卿富士牧狩之)

Description: Minamoto no Yoritomo’s (源頼朝) hunting-party under Mount Fuji in June, 1193 forms a six-sheet panoramic composition when placed side-by-side with the following triptych

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T199

Text: Lord Yorimoto at the Foot of Mount Fuji in May of the 4th year of Kenkyu era (Kenkyû yo-nen go-gwatsu no koro Udaishô Yoritomo- Fuji, 建久四年五月の牧右大将頼朝卿富士)

DescriptionTadatsune receiving the charge of the giant wild boar, in a panorama of Yoritomo’s hunting-party under Mount Fuji in June, 1193

Publisher: Jôshû-ya Kinzô

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T200


NOTE: This triptych and the preceding triptych may be placed side-by-side to form a six-sheet composition:

Kuniyoshi - (T201) Odai Matarokurô Yorisada, who has spitted three foemen on his spear & his henchman Iwatsu Tetsuyemon Shigenobu outside their burning castle

Title: The Battle at Odai (Shinshû Odai kassen no zu, 信州小田井合戦圖)

Description: The last fight of Odai Matarokurô Yorisada, who has spitted three foemen on his spear and his henchman Iwatsu Tetsuemon Shigenobu outside their burning castle in the mid sixteenth century

Publisher: Kiyomizu-ya Naojirô (seal 通三清水)

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T201

Title: The By Yoshiharu Captures a Wild Boar Alive in the mountains of Inaba (Inaba sanchû ni oite arajishi o ikedoritaru gôyû o taishô no me ni tomari shinka to su, 童子吉晴 稲葉山中において荒猪を生捕たる 紙本版画弘化)

Description: Dôji Yoshiharu (Horio Yoshiharu) fighting a giant boar with his bare hands watched by warriors among the trees

Publisher: Tajima-ya Saburô

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T202

Title: Untitled

Description: Satô Masakiyo (Katô Kiyomasa) fighting two drunken rônin by a river watched by soldiers armed with staves

Publisher: Tajima-ya Saburô

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T203

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for these preparitory drawings for the above triptych.

Kuniyoshi - (T204) Ota Harunaga (Oda Nobunaga) observing resotration of the Kiyosu Castle, c

Title: The Rebuilding of Lord Ota Harunaga’s Castle Wall by Sarukichiro (Oda Harunaga-kô jo no hei hyakkannen kuzure, 大田春長の城塀修復圖) 

Description: The legendary rebuilding of Kiyosu Castle in three days under the direction of Naka-ura Sarukichirô (Toyotomi Hideyoshi), who is shown reporting to Harunaga (Nobunaga)

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T204

Title: Picture of the Battle of Shizu-ga-mine (Shizu-ga-mine kassen no zu, 賤ヶ峯合戦之圖)

Description: The defeat of Shibata Katsuie by Hideyoshi at Shizu-ga-mine in 1583: the attack of Katô Kiyomasa (加藤清正) and his men carrying bamboo sticks in place of banners, to which severed heads are attached

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T205

Another state of the above design with a solid red title cartouche courtesy of Marc DeVriese

Title: Picture of the Battle of Shizu-ga-mine (Shizu-ga-mine kassen no zu, 賎ヶ峯戦之圖)

Description: At the Battle of Shizu-ga-mine in 1583: On the left, a swordsman defending himself and a young warrior with a sashimono (banner attached to the back of armor) bearing a figure of the god Fudô Myô-ô charging; on the right, foemen in confusion and a duel between two mounted warriors

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T205a


NOTE: This triptych might form a double triptych with the preceding

Another state of the above design without any green

Title: Mitsuharu Crossing Lake Biwa (Sono seki kokon musô no yûshi Sama-no-suke Mitsuharu wa..., 馬之助満晴琵琶湖渡)

Description: Akechi Mitsuharu (明智左馬之助) with his horse resting under the pine-tree of Karasaki on the shore of Lake Biwa after his defeat at the Battle of Uchide-hamna in 1582

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T206

I am grateful to Robert Pryor for these hanshita-e (final drawings) for two sheets from the preceding triptych.

Title: Picture of Famous Brave Warriors (Yûshi kômyô no zu, 勇士高名之圖)

Description: The title gives no clue, and the figures are not named, but this triptych is believed to portray the Battle of Shizugatake in 1583 

Publisher: Yamashiro-ya Jimbei

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T207

Title: Miyamoto Musashi Killing a Whale (Miyamoto Musashi wa Higo no dan ni shite, 宮本武蔵の鯨退治)

Description: Miyamoto Musashi (top center) plunging his sword into an enormous whale off the coast of Higo

Publisher: Kawaguchi-ya Shôzô

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T208

This is a reproduction printed in the Shôwa era (1926-1989) from recarved woodblocks.

Kuniyoshi - (T209)  47 Ronin crossing Ryogoku bridge after their revenge (Gishi shijushichi-nin hommo wo toge),  Yuranosuke bowing to a mounted official, 1847-50

Text: Early in the morning of the 15th day of the 12th month of 1702 the 47 loyal retainers, having achieved their goal, all crossed Ryogoku Bridge with the head of their enemy and proceeded to the Memorial Temple ((Gishi shijûshichinin honmô o toge jinsû o soroete Ryôgokubashi o hikitori kataki no kubi o shugo shite bodaisho e omomuku kono toki ni Genroku jûgonen jûnigatsu jûgonichi no sôten nari to iu, 義士四拾七人本望を遂 人数を揃えて良黒橋を引取敵の首汲を守護して菩提所へ赴く維時に玄禄十五年十二月十五日の早天なりしといふ)

Description: The Forty-Seven Rônin crossing Ryôgoku Bridge after carrying out their revenge with Yuranosuke bowing to a mounted official on the near side (center)

Publisher: Yamamoto-ya Heikichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T209

Kuniyoshi - (T209)  47 Ronin crossing Ryogoku bridge after their revenge (Gishi shijushichi-nin hommo wo toge),  Yuranosuke bowing to a mounted official, 1847-50 (Alt

Another state of the above design

Title: Having Achieved Their Goal, the Faithful Samurai Withdraw to Sengoku-ji Temple and Assemble There (Gishi hommô wo tatsushite Sengokuji e hikitori katame no zu, 義士本望を達して仙国寺へ引取固の圖)

Description: The Forty-Seven Rônin assembling outside the temple after carrying out their revenge

Publisher: Yorozu-ya Kichibei

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T210


I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this image.

Title: The Faithful Rônin Pay Their Respects at the Grave  (Gitora hommô wo toge bozen e tamuke no zu, 義徒等本望を遂墓前へ手向けの圖)

Description: The Forty-Seven Rônin washing Moronao’s severed head in a well

Publisher: Ebisu-ya Shôshichi

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T211


I am grateful to Ward Pieters for locating this image.

Title: None

Description: Yamanaka Dankurô (山中団九郎) shot with a pistol by the girl Kamegiku (かめぎく), while Shirai Gompachi (白井権八) fights a gang of ruffians 

Publisher: Ôta-ya Takichi (called Tada-ya Takichi by Robinson)

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T212

Title: Yasubei’s Revenge (Yasubei no kataki-uchi, 易兵衛敵討)

Description: Yasubei engaging a number of opponents in a natural arena, watched by his mother and sister

Publisher: inside star, read as “Wo” or “O” (This triptych also exists with the seal of the publisher Izumi-ya Ichibei)

Date: 1847-1850

Robinson: T213


NOTE: Fig. 30 on pages 30 and 31 of Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) erroneously identified triptych T148 as this triptych.


“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement.


