Title: Tanuki no
Description: A raccoon dog using his scrotum as a throw-net
to catch birds
Title: Tanuki no ôrai
Description: Raccoon dogs coming and going on the street
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal name Kamiiwa, 上岩)
Title: Tanuki no kawagari
Description: Raccoon dogs fishing in a river
Publisher’s seal:
Echizen-ya Heisaburô
(seal 緑 越前屋)
Title: Tanuki no yûdachi
Description: Raccoon dogs sheltering from evening shower
Publisher’s seal:
Echizen-ya Heisaburô
(seal 緑 越前屋)
I am grateful to Robert Pryor for this
alternate state with the seal of the publisher Kazusa-ya
Iwazô (seal 岩上総屋)
Title: Tanuki no senkimochi
Description: Raccoon dog suffering from senki, a disease that causes
the scrotum to swell
Title: Tanuki no shichifukujin
Description: Raccoon dogs as five of the seven gods of good
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (岩 かづさや)
Title: Tanuki no uranai (狸のうらない)
Description: A raccoon dog as a fortuneteller
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
Title: Tanuki no
Kanban (狸のかんばん)
Description: Raccoon dogs using their scrotums as shop signs
Title: Kindama chikaramochi
Description: Weightlifting
Title: Namazu hyôtan kintama
Description: Catching a catfish with a gourd
NOTE: In Zen Buddhism, a kôan is a difficult question
to ponder as an aid to meditation.
Well known kôan
include: What is the sound of one hand clapping?;
When a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it
make a sound?; and How do you catch a catfish with a gourd?
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
Title: Tanuki no
sumô (狸のすもふ)
Description: Raccoon dogs as sumô wrestlers wearing their scrotums as sumô aprons
Title: Tanuki no
mochi (狸の夜見世)
Description: A night market
Publisher’s seal:
Echizen-ya Heisaburô
(seal 越前屋)
Title: Samugari tanuki
Description: Raccoon dogs sheltering from the cold
Title: Hatsuuma no tanuki
Description: Raccoon dogs as retailers celebrating the first
sale of the new year by beating on a large drum
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
Title: Tanuki no kokintama
Description: A freak-show barker outside a shack where a
raccoon dog with a small scrotum is on exhibition. The customers are elegantly draped with
their own ample scrotums.
Title: Tanuki no dôke Daruma
Description: A raccoon dog having his scrotum painted in
imitation of a Daruma doll
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
Title: Tengu no
Description: A raccoon dog imitating a tengu using his
scrotum as the tengu’s large nose
Title: Jibiki danuki
Description: Raccoon dogs using their scrotums as a fishing
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
I am grateful
to Robert Pryor for this alternate of the above design.
Title: Tanuki no urisue
Description: A raccoon dog using his scrotum as a sales
Title: Tanuki no hikifune
Description: A raccoon dog using his scrotum as a boat
Publisher’s seal: Kazusa-ya Iwazô (seal 岩 上総屋)
The raccoon dog is also known as Nyctereutes procyonoides, magnut and tanuki (タヌキ, 狸, 貍, or たぬき). It is the only extant species in the genus Nyctereutes.