An educational website devoted to the ukiyo-e artist,

 Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)


This site is a catalogue raisonné of the prints and paintings of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川 国芳).  It contains over 7,000 images, counting multi-sheet compositions as single images.  An undertaking such as this can never be considered complete, and contributions of images and information to are always welcome.


Please follow these links to view Kuniyoshi’s art with descriptions:

Individual prints of warriors and historical figures Image added 10/19/24   

Warrior triptychs and diptychs

Acrobats, top spinners, magicians, and puppeteers 

Actor prints Images added 10/7/24

Animal and plant prints


Chûshingura prints (Forty-seven rônin)

Comic and miscellaneous prints

Fan prints Image added 9/28/24


Ken (game played with the hands) Image added 9/28/24

Komochi-e (trick pictures)  



Paragons of filial piety

Pictures of Kuniyoshi

Polyptychs of four or more sheets

Prince Genji

Religious prints

Shini-e (memorial prints)

Shunga (erotic art) Images added 10/12/24

Sugoroku (a board game)

Sumô wrestler prints Koshinoumi Yuzo added 9/23/24 (Part I)


Women Image added 9/24/24


Additional features and links:

Alphabetical list of Kuniyoshi’s print series

Alphabetical list of Kuniyoshi’s warrior triptychs and diptychs

Warrior-Prints of Utagawa Kuniyoshi in Czechoslovak Collections by Libuše Boháčková

Kuniyoshi in ArtCyclopedia

Bibliography on Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Biography of Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Characters portrayed in Kuniyoshi’s warrior prints

Glossary of ukiyo-e terms

Kabuki actors’ names in English and Japanese

Kuniyoshi’s seals  

Kuniyoshi’s signatures

Kuniyoshi’s warrior triptychs and diptychs arranged by publishers

Links to other sites on the internet with series of Kuniyoshi’s prints

Supplement to Kuniyoshi: The Warrior Prints

Viewing Japanese Prints (John Fiorillo’s website)

Seals of Japanese print publishers

Eric von Dorster’s album of Kuniyoshi prints on postage stamps Added 9/9/24

Tips for the new collector of Japanese prints



Copyright © 2006 - 2024 William Pearl.  All rights for commercial uses are reserved.  Permission for non-commercial use is granted.